Oops, sorry Gavin. Meant to reply to the mailing list.


People should not be using accounts for receiving funds on merchant sites. There are too many bugs associated with it, and it has innumerable problems. Like not being able to merge wallets or lack of find grained control when moving funds around.


This is the recommended & most safest way to receive funds on a merchant site ATM.

listreceivedsince <timest> is called every so often by a cron job.
The output is parsed and placed into another table and then another job will go and create a deposit request from that table. The next call to listreceivedsince <timest> will call with the time of the last transaction, and doubles must be discarded using the txid.

Polling listtransactions is less convenient since you always repeat old transactions that you may not need, get generated transactions and have to pick a good number that goes back far enough, but not too far.

From: Gavin Andresen <gavinandresen@gmail.com>
To: bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Bitcoin-development] [RFC] listtransactions reformatting

Fixing listtransactions (and listreceivedby/etc) so coin generation
transactions to particular addresses/accounts are credited to that
address/account is a good idea.

I don't think changing listtransactions output would be on the
priority list for any web services operators (in fact, I think most
would scream bloody murder if the output changed in a way that forced
them to change their code). The accounts-related things that I think
ARE on their high-priority list are:

1) Fixing getbalance and listtransactions performance problems when
you have hundreds of thousands of transactions and thousands of

2) push-notification of coins received to accounts, so they don't have
to poll for changes.

Gavin Andresen

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