From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Delivery-date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:09:24 -0700 Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLS1.3) tls TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Exim 4.94.2) (envelope-from ) id 1sNMah-0003oX-7T for; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:09:24 -0700 Received: by with SMTP id 3f1490d57ef6-e02a4de4f4esf2219143276.1 for ; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:09:23 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1719623357; x=1720228157;; h=list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-help:list-post :list-id:mailing-list:precedence:x-original-sender:mime-version :subject:references:in-reply-to:message-id:to:from:date:sender:from :to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=X5pieZDTgFNvy9SnhobFCFL8WttCpKaShXnOchX25C4=; b=XKUQncZehn3Dcs7LR1vfbsIjZBbxZw3DOlXJldFiUpgmz+e0LHHaSIvq60nbbgqBJO hO7v7e9qhpoeU0xr+KMq36CIq21PgstqQrm04oZ+lKKuPenTIIDyEYfkbGauMrWH8Vbe 8n3RTWSEn7o2gpofyZxbh227x6bpioaUKSi5M/u7Y+hGVWFQTHCaCQ3vWGeIAR1SnIVm WVtf9sig1xWmWx/YvOiCzKN0QV2keHkMmQqzJaZzOHOKjyIdkJYpX7ERrb7TlKpEBb1P s+J/aM7xP9IGJ9DH7wWjEf7XgN7yaT5NlTyV5N6H//YfKsNWyY/+k0XvAjXkbimd6bRG iEOw== DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1719623357; x=1720228157;; h=list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-help:list-post :list-id:mailing-list:precedence:x-original-sender:mime-version :subject:references:in-reply-to:message-id:to:from:date:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=X5pieZDTgFNvy9SnhobFCFL8WttCpKaShXnOchX25C4=; b=K6z36pj8cpuUS5xc+I24khAKPy6LAytnxlVrgmXGfkr14aro85qPn3O8VIquvnbG+m 9c3jESruaUvChGLfziWhyiO87EGWSDW0UV/EYFUTmWff+NU7vodR69ucCJ94e0htRJa5 VEcRDEXAyGSMlxtzhuAxHCJUVSCL69VzHJiL1cwMbMDYDMwwntHW9K5bVUNAgtpbcmvk NDyGn6iflzvASNzJSnqi3MHK2tBa3CJVtNaXGD6mj00Ocg0STaw8pEOIYiYVox2JFydl eurQMUx+LwPB6N9u0Uc5CekP8NW4VMu/D3+4kG6eihSIQ268Jv84ECgPmtT0BzNcffnA hTVw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1719623357; x=1720228157; h=list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-help:list-post :list-id:mailing-list:precedence:x-original-sender:mime-version :subject:references:in-reply-to:message-id:to:from:date:x-beenthere :x-gm-message-state:sender:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=X5pieZDTgFNvy9SnhobFCFL8WttCpKaShXnOchX25C4=; b=Ocj+ymDFXRZSJK+WnDqdTHP0WlenSQ5tuBuZRXtA9D0UQ8mDHp9qx82ocTR7abicho 3WN0KMSoSDXgfxVU+j5cjF1LS0mnthFWUli33DKhTDKypLfH/LwMWvvbAdkEdhFd88K1 EgLkXbJFrlQcuR0h5zPdey/oor1/UeA+zjrA+ZuZWhU4lnqL7bJX/4PDcx9XGY2MqBXu k2n2evH5+KgU4keuYwBGGUD7E8NPJMqok/PSXR5RLNkQiGXeFEBJ+YcBUiFCs+iY5XkL CwwmqJZE5H1yY/2LCdJ31uCuEZMOI/v66vH9w/lYkffVYH9eWsg61X3V4lqB4kvIBMFc Xslg== Sender: X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=1; AJvYcCUuTE3zNKbXsWVC8VgvsIBOMJ0If/t9AsGmFJKlbX61r3XxxxZftlA8h5PSUQF8Rz2yjQtucZGMGtFHKqrBSJfcpJNWigA= X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0Yzi+dcuPZZmiSnh+r0ohYinSyIu23U+3lIozXXs6kJ4S1RXfObV aqdEQuhIDUiFAekMJrT/CaT1TjN4ssv9e9Ji2seumin1KaSuGjkt X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IH2Q9gv4AN2K2PBk5Xl+b8SIYfA486di8XAU/o/Z3ZRyyyKJfLvh8vCfKIjY2jTcjnhAuOzRA== X-Received: by 2002:a25:a4c2:0:b0:e02:b7d6:c97 with SMTP id 3f1490d57ef6-e02fc264e12mr20066305276.8.1719623356899; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:09:16 -0700 (PDT) X-BeenThere: Received: by 2002:a05:6902:72c:b0:dff:34c9:92f8 with SMTP id 3f1490d57ef6-e0355d79fa1ls1970133276.0.-pod-prod-05-us; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:09:15 -0700 (PDT) X-Received: by 2002:a05:6902:1028:b0:e03:22c8:df59 with SMTP id 3f1490d57ef6-e0322c8e2d5mr1008067276.13.1719623355503; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:09:15 -0700 (PDT) Received: by 2002:a05:690c:2e08:b0:63b:c3b0:e1c with SMTP id 00721157ae682-64a7ec41349ms7b3; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:06:50 -0700 (PDT) X-Received: by 2002:a05:6902:102c:b0:dfa:ff27:db9 with SMTP id 3f1490d57ef6-e035bf904f6mr237112276.5.1719623209428; Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:06:49 -0700 (PDT) Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 18:06:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Antoine Riard To: Bitcoin Development Mailing List Message-Id: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Subject: Re: [bitcoindev] Re: Great Consensus Cleanup Revival MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_142179_1879354373.1719623209197" X-Original-Sender: Precedence: list Mailing-list: list; contact List-ID: X-Google-Group-Id: 786775582512 List-Post: , List-Help: , List-Archive: , List-Unsubscribe: , X-Spam-Score: -0.5 (/) ------=_Part_142179_1879354373.1719623209197 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_142180_1260340459.1719623209197" ------=_Part_142180_1260340459.1719623209197 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Eric, > It is not clear to me how determining the coinbase size can be done at an= =20 earlier stage of validation than > detection of the non-null coinbase. The former requires parsing the=20 coinbase to determine its size, the latter > requires parsing it to know if the point is null. Both of these can be=20 performed as early as immediately following the socket read. If you have code in pure C with variables on the stack no malloc, doing a= =20 check of the coinbase size after the socket read can be certainly more robust than checking a non-null pointer. And=20 note the attacking game we're solving is a peer passing a sequence of malleated blocks for which the headers have been=20 already verified, so there we can only have weaker assumptions on the computational infeasibility. Introducing a discontinuity like ensuring that both leaf / non-leaf merkle= =20 tree nodes are belonging to different domains can be obviously a source of additional software complexity, however from a= =20 security perspective discontinuities if they're computational asymmetries at the advantage of validating nodes I think they= =20 can be worthy of considerations for soft-fork extensions. After looking on the proposed implementation in bitcoin inquisition, I=20 think this is correct that the efficiency of the 64 byte technique transaction to check full block malleability is=20 very implementation dependent. Sadly, I cannot think about other directions to alleviate this dependence on the=20 ordering of the block validation checks from socket read. In my reasonable opinion, it would be more constructive to come out with a= =20 full-fleshout "fast block malleability validation" algorithm in the sense of SipHash (-- and see to have this=20 implemented and benchmarked in core) before to consider more the 64 byte transaction invalidity at the consensus level. Best, Antoine (the other one). Le vendredi 28 juin 2024 =C3=A0 19:49:39 UTC+1, Eric Voskuil a =C3=A9crit : > >> It is not clear to me how determining the coinbase size can be done at= =20 > an earlier stage of validation than detection of the non-null coinbase. > > My point wasn't about checking the coinbase size, it was about being=20 > able to cache the hash of a (non-malleated) invalid block as permanently= =20 > invalid to avoid re-downloading and re-validating it. > > This I understood, but I think you misunderstood me. Your point was=20 > specifically that, "it would let node implementations cache block failure= s=20 > at an earlier stage of validation." Since you have not addressed that=20 > aspect I assume you agree with my assertion above that the proposed rule= =20 > does not actually achieve this. > > Regarding the question of checking coinbase size, the issue is of=20 > detecting (or preventing) hashes mallied via the 64 byte tx technique. A= =20 > rule against 64 byte txs would allow this determination by checking the= =20 > coinbase alone. If the coinbase is 64 bytes the block is invalid, if it i= s=20 > not the block hash cannot have been mallied (all txs must have been 64=20 > bytes, see previous reference). > > In that case if the block is invalid the invalidity can be cached. But=20 > block invalidity cannot actually be cached until the block is fully=20 > validated. A rule to prohibit *all* 64 byte txs is counterproductive as i= t=20 > only adds additional checks on typically thousands of txs per block,=20 > serving no purpose. > > >> It seems to me that introducing an arbitrary tx size validity may=20 > create more potential implementation bugs than it resolves. > > The potential for implementation bugs is a fair point to raise, but in= =20 > this case i don't think it's a big concern. Verifying no transaction in a= =20 > block is 64 bytes is as simple a check as you can get. > > You appear to be making the assumption that the check is performed after= =20 > the block is fully parsed (contrary to your "earlier" criterion above). T= he=20 > only way to determine the tx sizes is to parse each tx for witness marker= ,=20 > input count, output count, input script sizes, output script sizes, witne= ss=20 > sizes, and skipping over the header, several constants, and associated=20 > buffers. Doing this "early" to detect malleation is an extraordinarily=20 > complex and costly process. On the other hand, as I pointed out, a ration= al=20 > implementation would only do this early check for the coinbase. > > Yet even determining the size of the coinbase is significantly more=20 > complex and costly than checking its first input point against null. That= =20 > check (which is already necessary for validation) resolves the malleation= =20 > question, can be performed on the raw unparsed block buffer by simply=20 > skipping header, version, reading input count and witness marker as=20 > necessary, offsetting to the 36 byte point buffer, and performing a byte= =20 > comparison against=20 > [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff= ]. > > This is: > > (1) earlier > (2) faster > (3) simpler > (4) already consensus > > >> And certainly anyone implementing such a verifier must know many=20 > intricacies of the protocol. > > They need to know some, but i don't think it's reasonable to expect the= m=20 > to realize the merkle tree construction is such that an inner node may be= =20 > confused with a 64 bytes transaction. > > A protocol developer needs to understand that the hash of an invalid bloc= k=20 > cannot be cached unless at least the coinbase has been restricted in size= =20 > (under the proposal) -or- that the coinbase is a null point (presently or= =20 > under the proposal). In the latter case the check is already performed in= =20 > validation, so there is no way a block would presently be cached as inval= id=20 > without checking it. The proposal adds a redundant check, even if limited= =20 > to just the coinbase. [He must also understand the second type of=20 > malleability, discussed below.] > > If this proposed rule was to activate we would implement it in a late=20 > stage tx.check, after txs/blocks had been fully deserialized. We would no= t=20 > check it an all in the case where the block is under checkpoint or=20 > milestone ("assume valid"). In this case we would retain the early null= =20 > point malleation check (along with the hash duplication malleation check)= =20 > that we presently have, would validate tx commitments, and commit the=20 > block. In other words, the proposal adds unnecessary late stage checks=20 > only. Implementing it otherwise would just add complexity and hurt=20 > performance. > > >> I do not see this. I see a very ugly perpetual seam which will likely= =20 > result in unexpected complexities over time. > > What makes you think making 64 bytes transactions invalid could result= =20 > in unexpected complexities? And why do you think it's likely? > > As described above, it's later, slower, more complex, unnecessarily broad= ,=20 > and a consensus change. Beyond that it creates an arbitrary size limit -= =20 > not a lower or upper bound, but a slice out of the domain. Discontinuitie= s=20 > are inherent complexities in computing. The "unexpected" part speaks for= =20 > itself. > > >> This does not produce unmalleable block hashes. Duplicate tx hash=20 > malleation remains in either case, to the same effect. Without a resoluti= on=20 > to both issues this is an empty promise. > > Duplicate txids have been invalid since 2012 (CVE-2012-2459). > > I think again here you may have misunderstood me. I was not making a poin= t=20 > pertaining to BIP30. I was referring to the other form of block hash=20 > malleability, which results from duplicating sets of trailing txs in a=20 > single block (see previous reference). This malleation vector remains, ev= en=20 > with invalid 64 byte txs. As I pointed out, this has the "same effect" as= =20 > the 64 byte tx issue. Merkle hashing the set of txs is insufficient to=20 > determine identity. In one case the coinbase must be checked (null point = or=20 > size) and in the other case the set of tx hashes must be checked for=20 > trailing duplicated sets. [Core performs this second check within the=20 > Merkle hashing algorithm (with far more comparisons than necessary), thou= gh=20 > this can be performed earlier and independently to avoid any hashing in t= he=20 > malleation case.] > > I would also point out in the interest of correctness that Core reverted= =20 > its BIP30 soft fork implementation as a consequence of the BIP90 hard for= k,=20 > following and requiring the BIP34 soft fork that presumably precluded it= =20 > but didn't, so it is no longer the case that duplicate tx hashes are=20 > invalid in implementation. As you have proposed in this rollup, this=20 > requires fixing again. > > > If 64 bytes transactions are also made invalid, this would make it=20 > impossible for two valid blocks to have the same hash. > > Aside from the BIP30/34/90 issue addressed above, it is already=20 > "impossible" (cannot be stronger than computationally infeasible) for two= =20 > *valid* blocks to have the same hash. The proposal does not enable that= =20 > objective, it is already the case. No malleated block is a valid block. > > The proposal aims only to make it earlier or easier or faster to check fo= r=20 > block hash malleation. And as I've pointed out above, it doesn't achieve= =20 > those objectives. Possibly the perception that this would be the case is = a=20 > consequence of implementation details, but as I have shown above, it is n= ot=20 > in fact the case. > > Given either type of malleation, the malleated block can be determined to= =20 > be invalid by a context free check. But this knowledge cannot ever be=20 > cached against the block hash, since the same hash may be valid. Invalidi= ty=20 > can only be cached once a non-mallied block is validated and determined t= o=20 > be invalid. Block hash malleations are and will remain invalid blocks wit= h=20 > or without the proposal, and it will continue to be necessary to avoid=20 > caching invalid against the malleation. As you said: > > > it was about being able to cache the hash of a (non-malleated) invalid= =20 > block as permanently invalid to avoid re-downloading and re-validating it= . > > This is already the case, and requires validating the full non-malleated= =20 > block. Adding a redundant invalidity check doesn't improve this in any wa= y. > > Best, > Eric --=20 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "= Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an e= mail to To view this discussion on the web visit bitcoindev/ ------=_Part_142180_1260340459.1719623209197 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi Eric,

> It is not clear to me how determin= ing the coinbase size can be done at an earlier stage of validation than> detection of the non-null coinbase. The former requires parsing the= coinbase to determine its size, the latter
> requires parsing it t= o know if the point is null. Both of these can be performed as early as imm= ediately following the socket read.

If you have code in pure C w= ith variables on the stack no malloc, doing a check of the coinbase size af= ter the socket
read can be certainly more robust than checking a non-n= ull pointer. And note the attacking game we're solving is a peer
passi= ng a sequence of malleated blocks for which the headers have been already v= erified, so there we can only have weaker
assumptions on the computati= onal infeasibility.

Introducing a discontinuity like ensuring th= at both leaf / non-leaf merkle tree nodes are belonging to different domain= s
can be obviously a source of additional software complexity, however= from a security perspective discontinuities if they're
computational = asymmetries at the advantage of validating nodes I think they can be worthy= of considerations for soft-fork extensions.

After looking on th= e proposed implementation in bitcoin inquisition, I think this is correct t= hat the efficiency
of the 64 byte technique transaction to check full = block malleability is very implementation dependent. Sadly, I
cannot t= hink about other directions to alleviate this dependence on the ordering of= the block validation checks
from socket read.

In my reason= able opinion, it would be more constructive to come out with a full-fleshou= t "fast block malleability
validation" algorithm in the sense of SipHa= sh (-- and see to have this implemented and benchmarked in core) before to<= br />consider more the 64 byte transaction invalidity at the consensus leve= l.

Antoine (the other one).

Le= vendredi 28 juin 2024 =C3=A0 19:49:39 UTC+1, Eric Voskuil a =C3=A9crit=C2= =A0:
>>= It is not clear to me how determining the coinbase size can be done at an = earlier stage of validation than detection of the non-null coinbase.
>= ; My point wasn't about checking the coinbase size, it was about being = able to cache the hash of a (non-malleated) invalid block as permanently in= valid to avoid re-downloading and re-validating it.

This I understoo= d, but I think you misunderstood me. Your point was specifically that, &quo= t;it would let node implementations cache block failures at an earlier stag= e of validation." Since you have not addressed that aspect I assume yo= u agree with my assertion above that the proposed rule does not actually ac= hieve this.

Regarding the question of checking coinbase size, the is= sue is of detecting (or preventing) hashes mallied via the 64 byte tx techn= ique. A rule against 64 byte txs would allow this determination by checking= the coinbase alone. If the coinbase is 64 bytes the block is invalid, if i= t is not the block hash cannot have been mallied (all txs must have been 64= bytes, see previous reference).

In that case if the block is invali= d the invalidity can be cached. But block invalidity cannot actually be cac= hed until the block is fully validated. A rule to prohibit *all* 64 byte tx= s is counterproductive as it only adds additional checks on typically thous= ands of txs per block, serving no purpose.

>> It seems to me t= hat introducing an arbitrary tx size validity may create more potential imp= lementation bugs than it resolves.
> The potential for implementation= bugs is a fair point to raise, but in this case i don't think it's= a big concern. Verifying no transaction in a block is 64 bytes is as simpl= e a check as you can get.

You appear to be making the assumption tha= t the check is performed after the block is fully parsed (contrary to your = "earlier" criterion above). The only way to determine the tx size= s is to parse each tx for witness marker, input count, output count, input = script sizes, output script sizes, witness sizes, and skipping over the hea= der, several constants, and associated buffers. Doing this "early"= ; to detect malleation is an extraordinarily complex and costly process. On= the other hand, as I pointed out, a rational implementation would only do = this early check for the coinbase.

Yet even determining the size of = the coinbase is significantly more complex and costly than checking its fir= st input point against null. That check (which is already necessary for val= idation) resolves the malleation question, can be performed on the raw unpa= rsed block buffer by simply skipping header, version, reading input count a= nd witness marker as necessary, offsetting to the 36 byte point buffer, and= performing a byte comparison against [000000000000000000000000000000000000= 0000000000000000000000000000ffffffff].

This is:

(1) earlier(2) faster
(3) simpler
(4) already consensus

>> And ce= rtainly anyone implementing such a verifier must know many intricacies of t= he protocol.
> They need to know some, but i don't think it's= reasonable to expect them to realize the merkle tree construction is such = that an inner node may be confused with a 64 bytes transaction.

A pr= otocol developer needs to understand that the hash of an invalid block cann= ot be cached unless at least the coinbase has been restricted in size (unde= r the proposal) -or- that the coinbase is a null point (presently or under = the proposal). In the latter case the check is already performed in validat= ion, so there is no way a block would presently be cached as invalid withou= t checking it. The proposal adds a redundant check, even if limited to just= the coinbase. [He must also understand the second type of malleability, di= scussed below.]

If this proposed rule was to activate we would imple= ment it in a late stage tx.check, after txs/blocks had been fully deseriali= zed. We would not check it an all in the case where the block is under chec= kpoint or milestone ("assume valid"). In this case we would retai= n the early null point malleation check (along with the hash duplication ma= lleation check) that we presently have, would validate tx commitments, and = commit the block. In other words, the proposal adds unnecessary late stage = checks only. Implementing it otherwise would just add complexity and hurt p= erformance.

>> I do not see this. I see a very ugly perpetual = seam which will likely result in unexpected complexities over time.
>= What makes you think making 64 bytes transactions invalid could result in = unexpected complexities? And why do you think it's likely?

As de= scribed above, it's later, slower, more complex, unnecessarily broad, a= nd a consensus change. Beyond that it creates an arbitrary size limit - not= a lower or upper bound, but a slice out of the domain. Discontinuities are= inherent complexities in computing. The "unexpected" part speaks= for itself.

>> This does not produce unmalleable block hashes= . Duplicate tx hash malleation remains in either case, to the same effect. = Without a resolution to both issues this is an empty promise.
> Dupli= cate txids have been invalid since 2012 (CVE-2012-2459).

I think aga= in here you may have misunderstood me. I was not making a point pertaining = to BIP30. I was referring to the other form of block hash malleability, whi= ch results from duplicating sets of trailing txs in a single block (see pre= vious reference). This malleation vector remains, even with invalid 64 byte= txs. As I pointed out, this has the "same effect" as the 64 byte= tx issue. Merkle hashing the set of txs is insufficient to determine ident= ity. In one case the coinbase must be checked (null point or size) and in t= he other case the set of tx hashes must be checked for trailing duplicated = sets. [Core performs this second check within the Merkle hashing algorithm = (with far more comparisons than necessary), though this can be performed ea= rlier and independently to avoid any hashing in the malleation case.]
I would also point out in the interest of correctness that Core reverted = its BIP30 soft fork implementation as a consequence of the BIP90 hard fork,= following and requiring the BIP34 soft fork that presumably precluded it b= ut didn't, so it is no longer the case that duplicate tx hashes are inv= alid in implementation. As you have proposed in this rollup, this requires = fixing again.

> If 64 bytes transactions are also made invalid, t= his would make it impossible for two valid blocks to have the same hash.
Aside from the BIP30/34/90 issue addressed above, it is already "= impossible" (cannot be stronger than computationally infeasible) for t= wo *valid* blocks to have the same hash. The proposal does not enable that = objective, it is already the case. No malleated block is a valid block.
The proposal aims only to make it earlier or easier or faster to check = for block hash malleation. And as I've pointed out above, it doesn'= t achieve those objectives. Possibly the perception that this would be the = case is a consequence of implementation details, but as I have shown above,= it is not in fact the case.

Given either type of malleation, the ma= lleated block can be determined to be invalid by a context free check. But = this knowledge cannot ever be cached against the block hash, since the same= hash may be valid. Invalidity can only be cached once a non-mallied block = is validated and determined to be invalid. Block hash malleations are and w= ill remain invalid blocks with or without the proposal, and it will continu= e to be necessary to avoid caching invalid against the malleation. As you s= aid:

> it was about being able to cache the hash of a (non-mallea= ted) invalid block as permanently invalid to avoid re-downloading and re-va= lidating it.

This is already the case, and requires validating the f= ull non-malleated block. Adding a redundant invalidity check doesn't im= prove this in any way.


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