I'm in favor of BIP43.

Adding a "Purpose" node can be used as an identifier for what kind of tree is in the wallet file we're reading.   I can envision a few different, common tree structures.  Perhaps using a non-hardened first-layer derivation (we have clients who want this).  Similarly, my proposal for a "No-collision mode" for multisig BIP32 trees is another variant that might get some traction but not everyone will use it.  These things could be "supported" by simply changing the BIP43 "Purpose" index and wallet software could be designed to recognize and react to the Purpose node for any number of different tree structures, and ignore any trees that it doesn't recognize (or maybe be able to view the balance across all the leaves of the tree but not expand it)

We have clients with special use-cases (complex multi-layer trees) that are unlikely to be recycled across users.  In such cases we might just use a "random" Purpose that is recognized by their system, and know that other software won't mess with it.  Though it would be better if that field was encoded in the root seed, instead.

Nonetheless, putting that extra layer between the root and the "important" tree nodes provides flexibility to BIP32 as a whole.

On 09/25/2014 09:53 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Justus Ranvier <justus@monetas.net> wrote:
Two draft information BIPs are attached.
I've pinged some people privately but also pinging the list… no
commentary on this proposal?

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