From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Delivery-date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:18:42 -0800 Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLS1.3) tls TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Exim 4.94.2) (envelope-from ) id 1tlQ7F-00007P-Kg for; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:18:42 -0800 Received: by with SMTP id 006d021491bc7-5f6e2ef3190sf1834439eaf.1 for ; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:18:41 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1740133116; cv=pass;; s=arc-20240605; b=IKfjUOgrLybxHf0w9EJgo363UhHprmbY6Y7z0VzgYmBQdF+cviqdSii8edCaWAPcih 5MTMQPF+Oh5b1kMcgCWIVKT0YtA4KUD0w3n+u+2ZuGYPhRyzHauqw3sK+5fB3frGMOqr SpaFXjW73xfClTJZjPItsK1fg7mZ4HJRbVXT1EmDusu7g2UhsQtZLV6iKVDn0tM6TLWc VV2y5tgpEJpH3ukjdY4eq2xT7SR4PDYCqQ0W25ovyuGMypVVvv1YnWGzJ6Tf3vANV3Ym f/Iu1X8Q9oqAKlaNalbl8jtyAMSA+A3FeH/2aGMUWQ1NbEtkx3Jn85KZm3ULB2RJFR3Y 1SxA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20240605; h=list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-help:list-post :list-id:mailing-list:precedence:in-reply-to:from:content-language :references:to:subject:user-agent:mime-version:date:message-id :sender:dkim-signature; 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X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0Yz6UbqAzwpZpDVBkvaV6GBL45/5yaFkf20c7oJAK71yrRkl7GE5 QQe+gPjEId95kRZIdUqcGJrfGZfi+Kzjr5YrkuBazZP4wOXY7sxL X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IGZ5xfS2aQ823fhTzEUEzXed51dRNrFgdLtdVF7lB8cvOCy4oA1jPb9N8vwOqz75gt9jCnfew== X-Received: by 2002:a05:6820:8ca:b0:5fc:f9b4:7f46 with SMTP id 006d021491bc7-5fd199ade92mr2016672eaf.0.1740133115641; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:18:35 -0800 (PST) X-BeenThere:; h=Adn5yVHl9ZGwB4yVXEYXF5jIqJPc66vTmZV++IhQa5jEEp4YKw== Received: by 2002:a05:6820:3d5:b0:5fc:f5f4:d806 with SMTP id 006d021491bc7-5fd0b0f6611ls810411eaf.1.-pod-prod-00-us; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:18:33 -0800 (PST) X-Received: by 2002:a05:6808:238e:b0:3f3:d291:f12b with SMTP id 5614622812f47-3f424cf2549mr1571033b6e.18.1740133113525; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:18:33 -0800 (PST) Received: by 2002:a05:600c:3c9c:b0:439:a596:e64 with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-439ae26b648ms5e9; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:54:08 -0800 (PST) X-Received: by 2002:a5d:5988:0:b0:38f:4a0b:e764 with SMTP id ffacd0b85a97d-38f6e97a74amr2318430f8f.28.1740128046324; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:54:06 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1740128046; cv=none;; s=arc-20240605; b=CSBVfSZK8xbpgiG2+YbG93y71N4s2pu9oDazAInjEPd9e+JaoT9vXP3kEEf8BsBk9D wcVXsGZrZIEHv5neEQg24pC5jSnuQWU0BoDBk19ZjcAzfdW2sSRHt96TzMnPZPKHsnP8 QqGJcAaqvHzk5aBE4liBUVvuWshqMg9tejvZCjKUQCUPK7eSV1c4d3iC6I0Etxk9b+wE QrJRq29iIqTXGNzq8NpXe1XbwfUAAA4ylxumfTHCK5HKtovkL2WG3FgnVi18wv0DnyCr Xfhj6TCxAOCkDTyJOk1e9S64bdzNw2owuAklzxaCZfTyfEwxx8qf674jcFmj6aHAzkUM NXkg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20240605; h=content-transfer-encoding:in-reply-to:from:content-language :references:to:subject:user-agent:mime-version:date:message-id :sender:dkim-signature; bh=auQYy0oJ6+FD9OVThTo2fM7zXNhidX3qtDISdyiUCP0=; fh=VcGcg+Zjs9gw1uDcHbxsAILhBAcecnbJzZRdxgKVDIc=; b=lV5TSMHZ7gTZb/2B4wxh2Akv9+ffDMVcXyrtWFrGC3BCxPU5bn9V5ZlRBpSe6c371f fsaqxUKhwsqn26/8P5qRJJuPVQS8cZvfDWeEN1gVAUcHVkAHkhlI6xewbp553sn6PPnH KZtU+2+Qu6wgWo4ZEHmzYMT7+B91o51uMuN0sIKI0XswLbUBk2mO0Qvy9gtOZC04RdTf afQ2iqKAg7pdB9d5egmODfGSP/+E/FYp/hW1Q2m8Kr4DPpv0CQNrxYJdebG7FbxWksU+ INdQC6Rx3U1iRQpVGS5lgtpfOjgp/Jqs2jCRrj1NlQhSqcBw01wa4PmqSeJJogBDFVYd D9Rg==; ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=20230601 header.b=Iuziu6H2; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a00:1450:4864:20::534 as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=QUARANTINE dis=NONE); dara=pass Received: from ( [2a00:1450:4864:20::534]) by with ESMTPS id 5b1f17b1804b1-4399c51ec18si2323915e9.1.2025. for (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:54:06 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates 2a00:1450:4864:20::534 as permitted sender) client-ip=2a00:1450:4864:20::534; Received: by with SMTP id 4fb4d7f45d1cf-5e0373c7f55so2775246a12.0 for ; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:54:06 -0800 (PST) X-Gm-Gg: ASbGnctDOy02Xz1MmynYtTX6Cs2BY4RSlc9WMVXwc+OW/ftbC4+4ABRHMOhJJQwP4EB pLy6Ya8UIsJhWyEiv093//AubVSKiLSCrxyFuUbLUxOx8ZorNBSGTr31J/q6nLvAYRmO49cYet8 Vi9mgp3itz/vxQCCHYBQ2vHt2knDfivPDqq5Sw0VvhvCp3MfQNQA3Y5wPLBwNV3l9SYismCw/RX a4f4tktww5JFEgKa++icCYgYOGYCcx+nIFCWygXQjxQKP8ZEP8IWxYJiV2SuPM+r5ClCf02C4dq BKNFVYAREU4BKxs4YuUyxYj2SrfRfPwZ/7fnBSFvTMOu2e6+IX5B9sNAlnpudnpY09GwhHqV X-Received: by 2002:a05:6402:27d0:b0:5e0:5605:211a with SMTP id 4fb4d7f45d1cf-5e0b7108b2fmr1993317a12.18.1740128045486; Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:54:05 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id 4fb4d7f45d1cf-5dece287cebsm13288456a12.74.2025. for (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:54:04 -0800 (PST) Sender: Jonas Nick Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 08:54:02 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird Subject: Re: [bitcoindev] P2QRH / BIP-360 Update To: References: <> Content-Language: en-US From: Jonas Nick In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed X-Original-Sender: X-Original-Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=20230601 header.b=Iuziu6H2; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a00:1450:4864:20::534 as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=QUARANTINE dis=NONE); dara=pass Precedence: list Mailing-list: list; contact List-ID: X-Google-Group-Id: 786775582512 List-Post: , List-Help: , List-Archive: , List-Unsubscribe: , X-Spam-Score: -0.5 (/) Hi Hunter, Thanks for your work on BIP 360. I think now is a good time to develop and discuss concrete PQ proposals. I have a few questions and comments regarding some aspects of the proposal: Selective disclosure --- From, the output contains a root of a Merkle tree of public key hashes and spending from this output requires revealing the public keys and their corresponding valid signatures. More concretely, if the user creates root R = MerkleRoot([hash(public_key_falcon_1024), hash(public_key_secp256k1)]), they can spend from R by revealing both public keys and corresponding signatures. The BIP also mentions that the public keys can be selectively disclosed: > When spending, if a public key hash is provided in the attestation with an > empty signature, that hash will be used directly in the merkle tree computation > rather than hashing the full public key. What prevents an quantum adversary, upon observing a spend from R, from breaking public_key_secp256k1 and then spending from R by providing [ hash(public_key_falcon_1024), empty string, public_key_secp256k1, a secp256k1 signature forgery ]? Attestation structure --- The BIP proposes to an attestation structure alongside the witness which is supposed to contain BIP 360 public keys and signatures (instead having them in the witness). The purpose of this structure is to assign a higher weight discount than the witness. The "Rationale" and "Output Mechanics" sections the BIP describe that, since the attestation structure only contains public keys and signatures, storage of arbitrary data ("inscriptions") is prevented. Leaving aside that there may be creative ways to embed arbitrary data in public keys and signatures as well, selective disclosure of the Merkle tree appears to allow embedding arbitrary data. For instance, a user can create root R = MerkleRoot(data, hash(public_key_secp256k1)]), where data is an arbitrary 256-bit string. What prevents the user from pretending that data is the hash of a public key and providing [ data, empty string, public_key_secp256k1, a secp256k1 signature forgery ] in the attestation structure to spend from R? Multi-signature 256-bit security --- The BIP briefly discusses multi-signature scenarios in the script validation section, but the details seem incomplete. From what I can infer, the current specification fails to achieve the claimed 256-bit security. The potential attack would work as follows: 1. The victim provides their public key pk to the adversary. 2. The adversary finds two public keys pk' and pk'' such that MerkleRoot(MultiSig[pk, pk']) = MerkleRoot([pk'']) 3. The adversary convinces the victim to send coins to MerkleRoot(MultiSig[pk, pk']) and then steals the coins by opening the Merkle tree root to [pk''] and providing a signature for pk''. Since the Merkle root is the 256-bit output of SHA256, the adversary can find this collision with about 2^128 operations. If I remember correctly, this attack was discussed on the mailing list in the context of segwit and it's the reason why P2WSH (unlike P2PKH) requires 256-bit hashes. General comments --- I think one of the main questions that the BIP does not currently address is how it affects the worst-case validation cost of a block. Regarding your question: > But if the intention was for 256 bits of security, should level V security be > the default? I don't know what Satoshi's intentions were, but the secp256k1 specification clearly indicates 128-bit "strength" ([0], Table 1). I believe that's fairly well known in the technical Bitcoin space. I am not quite convinced that adding three PQ schemes to the Bitcoin consensus protocol is a great solution to the problem of not being sure which exact scheme to pick. Offloading this decision to users does not really solve this problem. Moreover, this adds massive complexity and new cryptographic assumptions to the protocol. Remember that one of the main motivations behind libsecp256k1, was that general purpose cryptographic libraries are not well suited for consensus systems. So all new cryptographic schemes added to the consensus protocol need to be exceptionally well specified and implemented. That said, it makes a lot of sense to design a hybrid scheme that also provides security against a classic attacker through an established signature scheme (as BIP 360 proposes). Lastly, I agree that non-interactive aggregation of PQ schemes might be promising, as it could mitigate about signature size and verification cost if aggregation is applied on the transaction level. Recently, there has been progress on the security of aggregating hash-based signatures [1] and Falcon [2]. [0] [1] [2] (Unfortunately, this only beats trivial aggregation (concatenation of signatures) when the number of signatures is greater than about 110) Jonas -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion visit