I said security, not privacy. You are in fact exposing the feature to any node that wants to negotiate for it. if you don’t want to expose the buggy feature, then disable it. Otherwise you cannot prevent peers from accessing it. Presumably peers prefer the new feature if they support it, so there is no need for this complexity.


On Aug 24, 2020, at 12:59, Jeremy <jlrubin@mit.edu> wrote:

>> On 8/21/20 5:17 PM, Jeremy wrote:
>> As for an example of where you'd want multi-round, you could imagine a scenario where you have a feature A which gets bugfixed by the introduction of feature B, and you don't want to expose that you support A unless you first negotiate B. Or if you can negotiate B you should never expose A, but for old nodes you'll still do it if B is unknown to them.

This seems to imply a security benefit (I can’t discern any other rationale for this complexity). It should be clear that this is no more than trivially weak obfuscation and not worth complicating the protocol to achieve.

The benefit is not privacy oriented and I didn't intend to imply as such. The benefit is that you may only wish to expose functionality to peers which support some other set of features. For example, with wtxid relay, I might want to expose some additional functionality after establishing my peer supports it, that peers which do not have wtxid relay should not be allowed to use. The benefit over just exposing all functions is then a node might be programmed to support the new feature but not wtxid relay, which can lead to some incompatibilities.

You cannot implement this logic as a purely post-hoc "advertise all and then figure out what is allowed" because then you require strict consistency between peers of that post-hoc feature availability implication map.