Greetings, After reading and implementing BIP-85 I entertained the possibility of a generalized keychain application atop hierarchical deterministic wallets. Here is the pre-proposal for said BIP-Keychain on GitHub . Below are the Abstract and Motivation. See the link above for the full spec. Let me know if I should proceed to submit this as a proper BIP. Thank you. # Abstract We extend the hierarchical deterministic wallet chain from BIP-32 with a new application code for BIP-85 and a deterministic path derivation algorithm that allows applications to create a large key-value map of secrets where the key for each secret is a meaningful semantic path, as opposed to an arbitrary integer. This secure key-value map can replace modern password managers and offers an improved, possibly trustless security profile. # Motivation BIP-85 specifies how to derive passwords, private keys, and entropy from paths with the following form: ``` m/83696968'/{app_no}'/{index}' ``` Nevertheless BIP-85 has the following ambiguities and shortcomings: 1. Path construction is arbitrary in that there is no well-defined procedure to extend the path for applications that require more than two parameters. The implied convention is for paths to end with `{some_integer_n}'{index}'` but there is no guidance on the order of parameters for applications that need more than two inputs. 1. Return types for applications vary in interpretation and are not specific enough to be actionable. For example sometimes `n` represents the number of bytes, sometimes the number of characters, sometimes the number of BIP-39 words, etc. Moreover, modern password managers protect hot child secrets with a single root master hot secret such that if the master secret is compromised all children are also compromised. BIP-Keychain proposes a new paradigm where numerous hot or cold secrets are derived from hot but non-secret-compromising _derivation path keys_ that are in turn stored under a hot master secret such that if this hot master is compromised only the _derivation path keys_, and not the actual child secrets (_derivation path values_), are compromised. Said hot master secret can itself be the child derivative of a cold master key. The master key for deriving the secret values need not be stored online nor with the derivation path keys and may be provided just-in-time by the application. Moreover, _generalized derivation paths_ may be interpreted not simply as an input to key derivation but also as information about the real world. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit