Hello Matt,

It is not a purely academic scenario that blocks contain effectively no
information (that was not previously relayed).

The results of my paper hold unless the information about the included transactions is identically zero.  If this information is extremely small, then I agree that something other than the orphan cost would drive the fee market. I don't think this will ever by the case, however.

I'm not aware of any
public code to do so, but I know several large miners who pre-relay the
block(s) they are working on to other nodes of theirs around the globe….

In this paragraph, you are talking about intra-miner communication (you refer to other nodes "of theirs").   I agree that this can be very fast because there's only one entity involved. 

Thus, the orphan risk for including a transaction is related to the
validation time … the incentive to not include transactions which have already
been relayed around sufficiently is, while not theoretically zero, as
near to zero in practice as you can get

I look forward to hearing your talk about the Relay Network.  Let's image there was no block size limit.  Using the Relay Network as it currently operates now, how big would the block solution announcement be:

(1) if a miner published a 10 MB block where 100% of the transactions are known by the other nodes?  

(2) if a miner published a 10 MB block where 90% of the transactions are known by the other nodes?  

(3) if a miner published a 100 MB spam block where 0% of the transactions are known by the other nodes?

Best regards,


On 08/29/15 23:17, Peter R wrote:
Hello Matt and Daniele,

this seems to ignore the effects of transaction validation caches and
compression protocols. *

The effect of block compression protocols is included.  This is what I
call the "coding gain" and use the Greek letter "gamma" to represent.

As long as the block solution announcements contain information (i.e.,
Shannon Entropy) about the transactions included in a block, then the
fee market will be "healthy" according to the definitions given in the
linked paper (see below).  This is the case right now, this is the case
with your relay network, and this would be the case using any
implementation of IBLTs that I can imagine, so long as miners can still
construct blocks according to their own volition.  The "healthy fee
market" result follows from the Shannon-Hartley theorem; the SH-theorem
describes the maximum rate at which information (Shannon Entropy) can be
transmitted over a physical communication channel.   


I've exchanged emails with Greg Maxwell about (what IMO is) an academic
scenario where the block solutions announcements contain *no information
at all* about the transactions included in the blocks.  Although the fee
market would not be healthy in such a scenario, it is my feeling that
this also requires miners to relinquish their ability to construct
blocks according to their own volition (i.e., the system would already
be centralized).  I look forward to a white paper demonstrating otherwise!

Best regards,

On 2015-08-29, at 2:07 PM, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
<mailto:bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org>> wrote:

I believe it was pointed out previously in the discussion of the Peter R
paper, but I'll repeat it here so that its visible - this seems to
ignore the effects of transaction validation caches and block
compression protocols. Many large miners already have their own network
to relay blocks around the globe with only a few bytes on the wire at
block-time, and there is also the bitcoinrelaynetwork.org
<http://bitcoinrelaynetwork.org> network, which
does the same for smaller miners, albeit with slightly less efficiency.
Also, transaction validation time upon receiving a block can be rather
easily made negligible (ie the only validation time you should have is
the DB modify-utxo-set time). Thus, the increased orphan risk for
including a transaction can be reduced to a very, very tiny amount,
making the optimal blocksize, essentially, including everything that
you're confident is in the mempool of other reasonably large miners.


On 08/29/15 16:43, Daniele Pinna via bitcoin-dev wrote:
I'd like to submit this paper to the dev-list which analyzes how miner
advantages scale with network and mempool properties in a scenario of
uncapped block sizes. The work proceeds, in a sense, from where Peter
R's work left off correcting a mistake and addressing the critiques made
by the community to his work.

The main result of the work is a detailed analysis of mining advantages
(defined as the added profit per unit of hash) as a function of miner
hashrate. In it, I show how large block subsidies (or better, low
mempool fees-to-subsidy ratios) incentivize the pooling of large
hashrates due to the steady increasing of marginal profits as hashrates

The paper also shows that part of the large advantage the large miners
have today is due to there being a barrier to entry into a
high-efficiency mining class which has access to expected profits an
order of magnitude larger than everyone else. As block subsidies
decrease, this high-efficiency class is expected to vanish leading to a
marginal profit structure which decreases as a function of hashrate.

This work has vacuumed my entire life for the past two weeks leading me
to lag behind on a lot of work. I apologize for typos which I may not
have seen. I stand by for any comments the community may have and look
forward to reigniting consideration of a block size scaling proposal
(BIP101) which, due to the XT fork drama, I believe has been placed
hastily and undeservedly on the chopping block.



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