On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 6:58 PM, praxeology_guy <praxeology_guy@protonmail.com> wrote:
Bram Cohen,

In R&D: First its appropriate to explore all interesting ideas, and help each other improve their ideas.  Last, when there is a deadline that needs to be met, we compare various options and decide on which to go with.

I'm on the First step still.

In that case you should read my txo bitfield proposal, instead of taking my postings yesterday as a prompt to respond to something completely unrelated.
If you really want to push me to saying it, I'm not a fan of the Patricia Tree for bitcoin txos.  I think its too much work for everyone to do when other options are available.  But I'm not trying to say that your design is bad or wont work... I'm just personally not interested in it at this time.

My bitfield proposal is different from the patricia trie stuff. Also your objection about patricia tries being 'too much work' is nonsensical because they're quite a bit simpler than MMRs.