Hmmm, well TREZOR requires a web plugin. So if nobody installs plugins then we have a problem :) But regardless, actually like I said, you don't need a plugin. Browsers do it all already. With the <keygen> tag they even create a private key and upload the public part to be signed for you, it's seamless for the user. I wanted to give you a link to a demo site, but I can't find it anymore :(

If you buy a TREZOR you will of course install the plugin :)

What I mean is that normal people are lazy : if the solution is already in their hand they will use it, if they need to install/configure something, they won't do it.

I'm not trying to propose a solution to solve the auth on the web, but to ease the sign up / login on the Bitcoin ecosystem websites and apps.
More sign ups to new services (whatever the services) = more usage = expanding ecosystem = more global value to Bitcoin

Wallets are a key element of the equation because :
- everyone has one (desktop or mobile)
- everyone (in theory) has already taken all steps to backup and secure their keys
- id yourself with a Bitcoin address often makes sense on a Bitcoin related service
