On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Ronald Hoffman <ronald.hoffman6@gmail.com> wrote:
I noticed that the 'services' field appears to be garbled in the latest source code level from github.  Bitcoind is connected to my Java node server at  I thought I was sending a bad 'version' message but I get the correct results using 0.8.6.  So it appears that something changed in 0.9.0.

This warrants an issue on github: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/new
Here is bitcoin-cli talking to bitcoind (0.9.0)

$ bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo
        "addr" : "",
        "services" : "0000000164x",

What git revision are you testing with? Built with what compiler on which platform?

Do all peers in getpeerinfo show up garbled, or just yours? Does it literally show as "164x"?

I just tried getpeerinfo locally and all my peers show as: ""services" : "00000001" as expected.
