This is toying with the economics of cryptofinance in a way that needs to be understood before being put under consideration for implementation in Bitcoin.  This is an opportunity for an altcoin to explore the implications of these proposals prior to changing the properties of an already precarious system.

Eric Martindale
Developer Evangelist, BitPay
+1 (919) 374-2020

On Apr 7, 2014 2:55 PM, "Ricardo Filipe" <> wrote:
2014-04-07 21:08 GMT+01:00 Troy Benjegerdes <>:
> I have to play dissenter here again..
> Using a bitcoin address as a persistent identity key is the first real-world
> use of Bitcoin that I can imagine will make it a 'killer app' that everyone
> and their grandma will want to use.

I am of the same opinion, although i understand Gavin's point. Would
the multisig seed work for this purpose?
I have been toying with this idea and I think that for this BIP to
make sense it would require a "root" key as your login. Then if you
need to make transfers the system would request you to create and
associate a new key to your account for each purchase (signing the new
key with the root one for example).

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