Treating testnet differently is quite the norm, we have that in BIP 32, 38, 70, SIPA private keys (no BIP for that I guess), bitcoin addresses etc. At the same time none of them define values for alt coins as far as I recall.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Tamas Blummer <> wrote:
I use several test chains while testing my software, the official test net, a standalone net in house and even chains only created on the fly for unit tests. I found no use of distinguishing serialization of keys while using any of them.

If you have some deep insights about why this is needed share it, as I am not goint to guess your valuable thoughts.


Tamas Blummer

On 22.04.2014, at 17:32, Mark Friedenbach <> wrote:

Testnet vs mainnet is quite a separate issue than bitcoin vs altcoin.
Unfortunately few of the alts ever figured this out.

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