A couple of half-baked thoughts:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Kaz Wesley <keziahw@gmail.com> wrote:
If there's support for this proposal, I can begin working on the specific
implementation details, such as the bloom filters, message format, and
capability advertisment, and draft a BIP once I have a concrete proposal for
what those would look like and a corresponding precise cost/benefit analysis.

I'd encourage you to code up a prototype first (or at the same time), in whatever programming language / networking library you're most familiar with.

Maybe not even using the existing p2p protocol; there could be a mining-only very-fast-block-propagation network separate from the existing p2p network.

Combining your optimizations with "broadcast as many near-miss blocks as bandwidth will allow" on a mining backbone network should allow insanely fast propagation of most newly solved blocks.

Gavin Andresen