On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Chun Wang <1240902@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello. I am from F2Pool. We are currently mining the biggest blocks on
the network.

Thanks for giving your opinion!

Bad miners could attack us and the network with artificial
big blocks.


I ran some simulations, and I could not find a network topology where a big miner producing big blocks could cause a loss of profit to another miner (big or small) producing smaller blocks:


(the 0.3% advantage I DID find was for the situation where EVERYBODY was producing big blocks).
We think
the max block size should be increased, but must be increased
smoothly, 2 MB first, and then after one or two years 4 MB, then 8 MB,
and so on. Thanks.

Why 2 MB ?   You said that server bandwidth is much more expensive in China; what would be the difference in your bandwidth costs between 2MB blocks and 20MB blocks?

Gavin Andresen