I'm not sure I understand the need for hard forks. We can get through this crisis by mining pool collusion to prevent forking blocks until there is widespread adoption of patched clients.


1) Patch the pre-0.8 branches to support an increased lock count, whatever number is required to make sure that this problem never shows up again at the current block size (I defer to Luke-Jr and gmaxwell's numbers on this).

2) Patch all branches to not *generate* blocks which trigger the lock count limit. A larger block would still be accepted as valid, however, if it is on the longest chain.

3) Simultaneously, provide an additional non-standard patch to mining pool operators (>>50% network hash) *rejecting* blocks that trigger the lock count limit. This keeps miners in collusion with each other to stay on a 'compatibility fork'.

4) At some point in the future once we've crossed an acceptable adoption threshold, the miners remove the above patch in a coordinated way.

Does that not get us past this crisis without a hard-fork?


(Aside: I'm for BOTH raising the block-size limit and off-chain transactions, but like it or not there are political sides to that debate and we should keep politics out of crisis management.)

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Luke-Jr <luke@dashjr.org> wrote:
Here's a simple proposal to start discussion from...

BEFORE block 262144:
- Never make a block that, combined with the previous 4 blocks, results in
over 4500 transaction modifications.
- Reject any block that includes more than 4500 transaction modifications on
its own (slight soft-fork)
- (these rules should make older clients safe under most circumstances)

FROM block 262144 to block 393216 (hard fork #1):
- Never make, and reject any block that includes more than 24391 transaction
modifications on its own (this *should* be equivalent to 1 MB)
- (this rules can make older client backports safe unless a reorg is more than
6 blocks deep)

FROM block 393216 onward (hard fork #2):
- Never make, and reject any block that includes more than 48781 transaction
modifications on its own (this *should* be equivalent to 2 MB)
- Accept blocks up to 2 MB in data size
- Discontinue support for clients prior to 0.8.1

I intentionally set the block numbers conservatively to try to account for the
yet-unseen ASIC upgrade.


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