Hey all,

I had an idea for a new transaction type. The base idea is that it is matching on script hashes much like pay to script hash, but checks for one of N scripts.

A motivating case is for "permission groups". Let's say I want to have a single "root user" script, a 2 of 3 group, and a 2 of 2 group able to spend a utxo. This would allow for any one of these permission groups to spend.

Right now, this could be expressed multiple ways (ie, using an op_dup if then else chain) , but all would incur additional costs in terms of complicated control flows. Instead, I would propose:

OP_HASH160 [20-byte-hash-value 1]...[20-byte-hash-value N] OP_N OP_MULTISCRIPTHASHVERIFY

could be spent with

...signatures... {serialized script}

​And the alternative formulation: (more complex!)​

​OP_HASH160 OP_DUP [20-byte-hash-value 1]​
​ OP_VERIFY OP_ELSE   <OP_DUP  [20-byte-hash-value 2]​​  OP_IF......> OP_ENDIF​

Of course, the permission group example is just one use case, there could be other interesting combinations as well

There is an implication in terms of increased utxo pool bloat, but also an implication in terms of increased txn complexity (each 20 byte hash allows for a 500 byte script, only one of the 500 byte scripts has to be permanently stored on blockchain).

Looking forward to your feedback -- the idea is a bit preliminary, but I think it could be exciting.



Jeremy Rubin