I know NFTs are controversial, but here's my take on them in Sapio:


If you don't like NFTs, don't worry: the results and techniques are entirely generalizable here and can apply to many other types of things that aren't stupid JPGs.


- If you squint, Lightning Channels are NFTs: I have a channel with someone and I can't transfer it to a third party fungibly because both the remaining side and entering side want to know about the counterparty reputation.
- DLCs are NFTs because I want to know not just counterparties, but also which oracles.
- Colored Coins/Tokens, definitionally, are not NFTs, but fractional shares of an NFT are Colored Coins, so NFT research might yield new results for Colored Coins.

Advancing the state of the art for NFTs advances the state of the art for all sorts of other purposes, while letting us have a little fun. This is a strong callback to https://rubin.io/bitcoin/2021/12/14/advent-17/ and https://rubin.io/bitcoin/2021/12/03/advent-6/ if you want to read more on why things like NFTs are cool even if JPGs are lame.

