I can see how it looks but actually most of the underlying libraries have already been adapted or are almost finished being adapted for segwit. Since segwit is not live on mainnet, most are not released (either still in PR form or merged to a development branch). As a software developer, I think you can appreciate that libraries cant actually release a segwit supported versions until segwit is released as final in 0.13.1. Obviously consumers of the libraries cant update for segwit until the libraries are released - you get the idea. I wouldn't be too concerned about the adoption chart, it's just very difficult to reflect the actual state of affairs. For example Trezor is marked as wip, but they have had an updated, but unreleased firmware version for many months[1]. We are in the process of planning a migration guide and updating the existing development notes[2]. Additionally, many companies are already planning to update their services for segwit.
Regarding BIP9, it's purpose is to co-ordinate *miner upgrade* and activation. The starttime delay is simply designed to avoid miners signalling before the soft fork has been made available for general release; so the starttime prevents unreleased software from setting the version bit prematurely. The whole BIP9 state machine allows predictable activation. Non mining full nodes are under no constraints to upgrade on a specific schedule, which is by design of soft forks. Signalling will not begin until the first diff retarget period after the starttime of 15th Nov. Practically it means there will be a minimum of 4-6 weeks at the very least before activation can happen.