If this was in place I would contribute more and I wouldn't have to create throw-away accounts.

This is not a space where you want to be a recognisable target.

Today, BitFury's CEO threatened to sue developers if they didn't kowtow to his demands to leave the PoW alone. This is unacceptable. Decisions have to be made on merit and the interest of the project, and nothing else.

This is very important and needs to be given priority. Most Core developers and all the main ones except Satoshi have built a public persona, either for ego or for practical monetary reasons. Obviously there's academia where everything is about plastering your name as much as possible and getting cited. So it's understood. Although I understand the difficulty of getting funded and getting trusted without a face, there needs to be an outlet so people can interact and contribute in a proper cypherpunk way. 

Also, GitHub is quite anti-privacy. So I recommend not reusing personal accounts from work.
