"I suggest that Bitcoin Core should generate a public/private key pair and share the public one with peers."

I've not read the p2p protocol of Bitcoin core, but I suppose the initial handshake between 2 peers would be the ideal place to exchange a public keys.

would it make sense to generate a new random pair of keys per each peer you connect to?
then each subsequent message to every peer gets encrypted differently, keeping each conversation isolated from each other encryption-speaking.

These keys would have nothing to do with your wallet, they're just to encrypt any further communication between peers post-handshake. Would that be of any use to "
This could provide privacy and integrity but not autentication."?


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Justus Ranvier
<justusranvier@riseup.net> wrote:
> If that's not acceptable, even using TLS with self-signed certificates
> would be an improvement.

TLS is a huge complex attack surface, any use of it requires an
additional dependency with a large amount of difficult to audit code.
TLS is trivially DOS attacked and every major/widely used TLS
implementation has had multiple memory disclosure or remote execution
vulnerabilities even in just the last several years.

We've dodged several emergency scale vulnerabilities by not having TLS.

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