Hello again,

I've reworked this idea a bit as alluded to previously.  The key highlights of Numerifides are now:

- Transaction is a normal transaction paying to a script hash with a CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY encumbrance.
- Users "mine" their registrations to produce TXIDs with Proof of Work attached (providing for a way to secure and "commandeer" names).
- Secondary network for gossiping name->data mappings, that is rooted from the numerifide transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The "mining" is done simply by incrementing a nonce in the registration data (off-chain).  This prevents "namesquatting" like we see on Namecoin.

There is an easy formula that uses the Timelock, Proof of Work and amount of Bitcoin locked that determines which transactions are authoritative for a given name mapping.


Feedback and criticism appreciated,

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 8:35 AM Tyler H <tyzbit@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been working on a proposal called Numerifides which would provide a general method to register human-readable names and arbitrary data (such as username->GPG key, domain->IP address, Lightning node Alias-> URI, etc).  Here are the key highlights:

--New transaction type called "numerifides" transactions
--Lock up Bitcoin for a certain amount of time to make the mappings valid, discourage "namesquatting"
--Transaction puzzle attached to transactions to allow community consensus revocation of highly contested names or "squatted" name mappings.
--Transactions are RBF so if name is contentious or miners wish to censor, one honest greedy miner can include the censored user's high-fee transaction)
--Solves Zooko's triangle of Secure, Decentralized and Human Meaningful

Full working spec is here: https://github.com/tyzbit/numerifides

I'd love feedback and possible enhancements, as I know this early rough draft does have a lot of room for improvement (I also think it would be remiss to incentivize filling blocks with data like this, and a possible change proposed on the lightning-dev list by ZmnSCPxj is a P2WSH defining the mapping that is gossiped about outside of the Bitcoin network, but I'd like to hear all comments).

Thank you for your time.
Tyler Hawkins