Tomorrow, I'll work on writing a way to do voting on proposals with BTC used as voting shares (This will be difficult as I do not know FORTH).  That seems like a fairly simple, useful example that will require loops and reused functions.  I'll add a fee that goes to the creator.

IMO, if you write a complicated system of scripts that's used frequently, it makes sense to charge a fee for its usage.  A decentralized exchange between colored coins, for instance might take a small fee on each trade.

On Dec 10, 2015 10:10 AM, "Luke Durback via bitcoin-dev" <> wrote:
> This, combined with the ability to make new transactions arbitrarily would allow a function to pay its creator.

I don't understand what you mean by "a function" in this context, I assume you mean a scriptSig, but then "paying its creator" doesn't make much sense to me .

Could you provide some high level examples of the use cases you would like to support with this?