Using a desktop website and mobile device for 2/3 multisig in lieu of a hardware device (trezor) and desktop website (mytrezor) works, but the key is that the device used to input the two signatures cannot be in the same band.  What you are protecting against are MITM attacks.  The issue is that if a single device or network is compromised by malware, or if a party is connecting to a counterparty through a channel with compromised security, inputing 2 signatures through the same device/band defeats the purpose of 2/3 multisig.  

Maybe I'm not following the conversation very well, but if you have a small hardware device that first displays a signed payment request (BIP70) and then only will sign what is displayed, how can a MITM attacker do anything other than deny service?  They'd have to get malware onto the signing device, which is the vector that a simplified signing device is specifically designed to mitigate.

TREZOR like devices with BIP70 support and third party cosigning services are a solution I really like the sound of.  I suppose though that adding BIP70 request signature validation and adding certificate revocation support starts to balloon the scope of what is supposed to be a very simple device though.

Regardless, I think a standard for passing partially signed transactions around might make sense (maybe a future extension to BIP70), with attention to both PC <-> small hardware devices and pushing stuff around on the Internet.  It would be great if users had a choice of hardware signing devices, local software and third-party cosigning services that would all interoperate out of the box to enable easy multisig security, which in the BTC world subsumes the goals of 2FA.
