Google Docs formatted version: Meeting Title: #bitcoin-dev Weekly Development Meeting Meeting Date: 2015-10-29 Meeting Time: 19:00-20:00 UTC Participants in Attendance: dstadulis morcos sipa jgarzik rusty warren jeremyrubin evoskuil Luke-Jr dcousens gmaxwell jtimon mcelrath btcdrak IRC Chat Logs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics discussed: 1. Upcoming softfork 1.1 Solely CLTV (morcos, petertodd, dcousens) 1.2 Softfork coordination with other clients 2. Chain Limits Agreement Status 2.1 What should be sufficient consensus for merges? 3. Backporting Policy 4. Leveldb Replacement 4.1 Can be considered when code is abstracted, allows for testing, alternative implementations exist. Testing encouraged, no future moves planned. 5. Clang format 5.1 History review: Proposal a while ago was to clang-format file set Once done, maintain those files' formatting with automation (git hook checks or whatnot) 5.2 Clang format behavior changes "randomly" from version to version. 6. BIP-68: “Mempool-only sequence number constraint verification” Implementation PR #6312 6.1 Concern regarding skipping missing inputs 7. BIP-112: Mempool-only CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY PR #6564 2015-10-29 Meeting Conclusions: # Action items Responsible Parties ETA/Due Date 1 Morcos to report chain stats 2 Review BIP68 implementation #6312 sipa, rusty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meetingbot Minutes Minutes(HTML) Minutes(text) IRC Log: