From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Delivery-date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:54:59 -0800 Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLS1.3) tls TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Exim 4.94.2) (envelope-from ) id 1tks1x-0001a9-03 for; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:54:58 -0800 Received: by with SMTP id 006d021491bc7-5fc476501cdsf289385eaf.3 for ; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:54:56 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1740002091; cv=pass;; s=arc-20240605; b=bvoisYottUQKx2Di+AuN38rHsAnC/gq97NQv/oxNxlIySReAHgqKmmhYvMjZI/mTxn QzjWOEWUyw3txcF5hdUj8vXusgAQ1QrnVvr56N5VqMhgFREd7dTOZCOwt1ZrjzmU4+c3 wtos9CeZ136rRnJ3HdE3btnyZfhNl0A7nlwZl39CUFGRKOcoqFRQ8wQnFEFzUnHQb4nf tEMf66SSP5gLPyHmLcZIOJ69OEKMC2/vKx7SXEfKigkMY9vZggEOM94FLYvXwug5ihDX FC7EKhDAUZbFX15JpD+yuBFbsy/CFIIH4WggXUNjsAHvqYYos/0ED5QseP7xqdcK/7AO szMw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20240605; h=list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-help:list-post :list-id:mailing-list:precedence:cc:to:subject:message-id:date:from :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:sender:dkim-signature :dkim-signature; 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Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:54:50 -0800 (PST) X-BeenThere:; h=Adn5yVFWBpFIHvQCbpWoQ3436tB/7KCN1faW69UiSBPretf6bw== Received: by 2002:a05:6870:3911:b0:2a0:20b2:3aea with SMTP id 586e51a60fabf-2bd2f401bf2ls191884fac.0.-pod-prod-03-us; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:54:44 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=2; X-Received: by 2002:a05:6808:1924:b0:3f4:1838:be72 with SMTP id 5614622812f47-3f41838c26dmr1727542b6e.28.1740002084515; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:54:44 -0800 (PST) Received: by 2002:aa7:d657:0:b0:5d0:c760:dcfa with SMTP id 4fb4d7f45d1cf-5dedc2cbe54msa12; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:07:40 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=2; X-Received: by 2002:a17:907:6e8d:b0:ab7:bcc0:9067 with SMTP id a640c23a62f3a-abbcd049639mr519878366b.40.1739999258373; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:07:38 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1739999258; cv=none;; s=arc-20240605; b=ilUiqpQyLi/cW+O8Ywyb0NmR6asx0NaHoIf+Z0xhKCW1r39ScR0frRoB7+R3fqs8bJ L0k8eYXHjO58DxKYOfyMtGKgifvMG6Mp/kgoyipgpmedFvla4Pn9VleFUma974eB475H UTEtSrz+m3LUy84OMzG38CAaJs0uqavF1g9WcNefD9QAwhsPSpjqRcvx+6f+NEZsMNXG 1hm5GuGVm95ThrRoIvi07mTwS5OAE3Vqg8gxhl13Ow+It6Ur9Slri/tHWuvZm+FZc2x/ 41POHs+PARsscnQ371IIP4V6d0w9E8eHVxoLErV552J3q/XCwL18RgeFbWiPKgHIWoSt 5joQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20240605; h=cc:to:subject:message-id:date:from:in-reply-to:references :mime-version:dkim-signature; bh=hK7OgBTKrufBeTNT2i9zRHFxU8FJlG2pwX5u/pppDgg=; fh=2UDRya1hRZoFo10i1iTA/101kd/g7E6XOvfP62o9fSA=; b=cr5DufQBSggdArggroMiTyZvlfqn7mmtm8PECb7Hm/j0pzUiQnsiixhB/0K46rGU0q g18u5sGbT+N6i+vSRjG4f4Cv482EeoR6uW9iUWEe5fCMYjYDM3WbA1+Ja8/IgeTv//Pa l2EEre3XZ2jtMcJTxFUTr5jLlUCwVxdjV2AO3rNAI25M5zZjbgrc60gZOGzKwrs9nMYP XxxnOXFvxQlhKr2C2HH2gVydn9y1Cig9xRUkcn4ylybBQqY/1Q89bEJVXjMcbIu6JPnK OqPflpJ+R3HcGXn3EnMxESKXXAr/6M1SUQOt7gWM3OSU2KAqTuF0A1ij/2pzjgz0x/qa Z1OA==; ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=20230601 header.b=ghPA5z40; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a00:1450:4864:20::234 as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=QUARANTINE dis=NONE); dara=pass Received: from ( [2a00:1450:4864:20::234]) by with ESMTPS id a640c23a62f3a-abb763cff0esi25438666b.0.2025. for (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:07:38 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates 2a00:1450:4864:20::234 as permitted sender) client-ip=2a00:1450:4864:20::234; Received: by with SMTP id 38308e7fff4ca-30930b0b420so1796161fa.2 for ; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:07:38 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=1; AJvYcCXFZkJOsikkoIeYgLWh8XlAYrggf+taH57PlnxQ/ X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncv15EDAbYueZUQzGuOLSTF1ZuPnVGtiU4W0pj6utpulkez+8uRMFgAL1dSyk3G cXWNBUHBYBMQIB7/w9RI2k91LNN3W3WKnk95Z+wx2fWBKA6MfzUuXYeJjRJIY9mKVfIWpFPlLgg == X-Received: by 2002:a2e:874c:0:b0:308:eb58:6580 with SMTP id 38308e7fff4ca-30a4506209dmr14677581fa.33.1739999257204; Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:07:37 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 References: <> In-Reply-To: From: Agustin Cruz Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 18:07:25 -0300 X-Gm-Features: AWEUYZl9RO2bSDExPYopiRqG9SrG4a9uLj5DWNXnFMWLDhpeOtIFwKah5RZWLXM Message-ID: Subject: Re: [bitcoindev] Proposal for Quantum-Resistant Address Migration Protocol (QRAMP) BIP To: Dustin Ray Cc: Hunter Beast , Bitcoin Development Mailing List Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000a29f0f062e85253a" X-Original-Sender: X-Original-Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=20230601 header.b=ghPA5z40; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a00:1450:4864:20::234 as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=QUARANTINE dis=NONE); dara=pass Precedence: list Mailing-list: list; contact List-ID: X-Google-Group-Id: 786775582512 List-Post: , List-Help: , List-Archive: , List-Unsubscribe: , X-Spam-Score: -0.5 (/) --000000000000a29f0f062e85253a Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Dustin, I remain convinced that a forced migration mechanism=E2=80=94with a clear b= lock height deadline after which quantum-unsafe funds become unspendable=E2=80= =94is the more robust and secure approach. Here=E2=80=99s why: A forced migration approach is unambiguous. By establishing a definitive deadline, we eliminate the need for an additional transitional transaction type, thereby reducing complexity and potential attack vectors. Additional complexity could inadvertently open up new vulnerabilities that a more straightforward deadline avoids. If we don=E2=80=99t enforce a hard migration, any Bitcoin in lost wallets= =E2=80=94including coins in addresses that no longer have active private key management, such as potentially Satoshi=E2=80=99s=E2=80=94could eventually be compromised by= quantum adversaries. If these coins were hacked and put back into circulation, the resulting market shock would be catastrophic. The forced migration mechanism is designed to preempt such a scenario by ensuring that only quantum-safe funds can be spent once the deadline is reached. El mi=C3=A9, 19 de feb de 2025, 5:10=E2=80=AFp. m., Dustin Ray <> escribi=C3=B3: > It's worth considering a hypothetical but as of yet unknown middle ground > solution, again nothing like this exists currently but conceptually it > would be interesting to explore: > > 1. At some block height deemed appropriate, modify consensus so that any > pre-quantum unspent funds are restricted from being spent as normal. > > 2. Develop a new transaction type whose sole purpose is to migrate funds > from a quantum unsafe address to a safe one. > > 3. This new transaction type is a quantum safe digital signature, but > here's the hypothetical: It is satisfied by developing a mechanism by whi= ch > a private key from a quantum-unsafe scheme can be repurposed as a private > key for a pq-safe scheme. It may also be possible that since we know the > hash of the public key, perhaps we can invent some mechanism whereby a > quantum safe signature is created from an ecdsa private key that directly > implies knowledge of a secret key that derived the known public key. > > In this way, we create a kind of turnstile that can safely transition > funds from unsafe addresses into safe ones. Such turnstiles have been use= d > in blockchains before, a notable example is in the zcash network as part = of > an audit of shielded funds. > > There are likely hidden complexities in this idea that may cause it to be > completely unworkable, but a theoretical transition mechanism both preven= ts > a heavy handed confiscation of funds and also prevents funds from being > stolen and injected back into the supply under illegitimate pretenses. > > This only works for p2pkh, anything prior to this is immediately > vulnerable to key inversion, but Satoshi owns most of those coins as far = as > we know, so confiscating them might not be as controversial. > > I'm typing this on my phone so sorry for the lack of detailed references. > I think the core idea is clear though. > > On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 10:47=E2=80=AFAM Agustin Cruz > wrote: > >> Hi Hunter, >> >> I appreciate the work you=E2=80=99re doing on BIP-360 for Anduro. Your p= oint >> about not =E2=80=9Cconfiscating=E2=80=9D old coins and allowing those wi= th quantum >> capabilities to free them up is certainly a valid one, and I understand = the >> argument that any inflationary impact could be transitory. >> >> From my viewpoint, allowing quantum-capable adversaries to reintroduce >> dormant coins (e.g., Satoshi=E2=80=99s if those keys are lost) could hav= e >> unintended consequences that go beyond transient inflation. It could >> fundamentally alter trust in Bitcoin=E2=80=99s fixed supply and disrupt = economic >> assumptions built around the current distribution of coins. While some >> might view these dormant coins as =E2=80=9Cfair game,=E2=80=9D their sud= den reappearance >> could cause lasting market shocks and undermine confidence. The goal of = a >> proactive migration is to close the door on such a scenario before it >> becomes imminent. >> >> I agree that Q-day won=E2=80=99t necessarily be a single, catastrophic m= oment. It >> will likely be gradual and subtle, giving the network some time to adapt= . >> That said, one challenge is ensuring we don=E2=80=99t find ourselves in = an >> emergency scramble the moment a capable quantum machine appears. A force= d >> or proactive migration is an admittedly strong measure, but it attempts = to >> address the scenario where a slow, creeping capability becomes a sudden >> attack vector once it matures. In that sense, =E2=80=9Crushing=E2=80=9D = isn=E2=80=99t ideal, but >> neither is waiting until the threat is undeniably present. >> >> El mi=C3=A9, 19 de feb de 2025, 1:31=E2=80=AFp. m., Hunter Beast >> escribi=C3=B3: >> >>> I don't see why old coins should be confiscated. The better option is t= o >>> let those with quantum computers free up old coins. While this might ha= ve >>> an inflationary impact on bitcoin's price, to use a turn of phrase, the >>> inflation is transitory. Those with low time preference should support >>> returning lost coins to circulation. >>> >>> Also, I don't see the urgency, considering the majority of coins are in >>> either P2PKH, P2WPKH, P2SH, and P2WSH addresses. If PQC signatures aren= 't >>> added, such as with BIP-360, there will be some concern around long >>> exposure attacks on P2TR coins. For large amounts, it would be smart to >>> modify wallets to support broadcasting transactions to private mempool >>> services such as Slipstream, to mitigate short exposure attacks. Those = will >>> also be rarer early on since a CRQC capable of a long exposure attack i= s >>> much simpler than one capable of pulling off a short exposure attack >>> against a transaction in the mempool. >>> >>> Bitcoin's Q-day likely won't be sudden and obvious. It will also take >>> time to coordinate a soft fork activation. This shouldn't be rushed. >>> >>> In the interest of transparency, it's worth mentioning that I'm working >>> on a BIP-360 implementation for Anduro. Both Anduro and Slipstream are = MARA >>> services. >>> >>> On Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 9:01:51=E2=80=AFPM UTC-7 Agustin Cruz = wrote: >>> >>>> Hi Dustin: >>>> >>>> I understand that the proposal is an extraordinary ask=E2=80=94it woul= d indeed >>>> void a non-trivial part of the coin supply if users do not migrate in = time, >>>> and under normal circumstances, many would argue that unused P2PKH fun= ds >>>> are safe from a quantum adversary. However, the intent here is to be >>>> proactive rather than reactive. >>>> >>>> The concern isn=E2=80=99t solely about funds in active wallets. Consid= er that >>>> if we don=E2=80=99t implement a proactive migration, any Bitcoin in lo= st >>>> wallets=E2=80=94including, hypothetically, Satoshi=E2=80=99s if he is = not alive=E2=80=94will remain >>>> vulnerable. In the event of a quantum breakthrough, those coins could = be >>>> hacked and put back into circulation. Such an outcome would not only >>>> disrupt the balance of supply but could also undermine the trust and >>>> security that Bitcoin has built over decades. In short, the consequenc= es of >>>> a reactive measure in a quantum emergency could be far more catastroph= ic. >>>> >>>> While I agree that a forced migration during an active quantum attack >>>> scenario might be more acceptable (since funds would likely be conside= red >>>> lost anyway), waiting until such an emergency arises leaves us with li= ttle >>>> margin for error. By enforcing a migration now, we create a window for= the >>>> entire community to transition safely=E2=80=94assuming we set the dead= line >>>> generously and provide ample notifications, auto-migration tools, and,= if >>>> necessary, emergency extensions. >>>> >>>> El mar, 11 de feb de 2025, 9:48=E2=80=AFp. m., Dustin Ray < >>>>> escribi=C3=B3: >>>> >>>>> I think youre going to have a tough time getting consensus on this >>>>> proposal. It is an extraordinary ask of the community to instill a >>>>> change that will essentially void out a non-trivial part of the coin >>>>> supply, especially when funds behind unused P2PKH addresses are at >>>>> this point considered safe from a quantum adversary. >>>>> >>>>> In my opinion, where parts of this proposal make sense is in a quantu= m >>>>> emergency in which an adversary is actively extracting private keys >>>>> from known public keys and a transition must be made quickly and >>>>> decisively. In that case, we might as well consider funds to be lost >>>>> anyways. In any other scenario prior to this hypothetical emergency >>>>> however, I have serious doubts that the community is going to consent >>>>> to this proposal as it stands. >>>>> >>>>> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 4:37=E2=80=AFPM Agustin Cruz >>>>> wrote: >>>>> > >>>>> > Hi Dustin >>>>> > >>>>> > To clarify, the intent behind making legacy funds unspendable after >>>>> a certain block height is indeed a hard security measure=E2=80=94desi= gned to >>>>> mitigate the potentially catastrophic risk posed by quantum attacks o= n >>>>> ECDSA. The idea is to force a proactive migration of funds to >>>>> quantum-resistant addresses before quantum computers become capable o= f >>>>> compromising the current cryptography. >>>>> > >>>>> > The migration window is intended to be sufficiently long (determine= d >>>>> by both block height and community input) to provide ample time for u= sers >>>>> and service providers to transition. >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > El mar, 11 de feb de 2025, 9:15=E2=80=AFp. m., Dustin Ray < >>>>>> escribi=C3=B3: >>>>> >> >>>>> >> Right off the bat I notice you are proposing that legacy funds >>>>> become unspendable after a certain block height which immediately rai= ses >>>>> serious problems. A migration to quantum hard addresses in this manne= r >>>>> would cause serious financial damage to anyone holding legacy funds, = if I >>>>> understand your proposal correctly. >>>>> >> >>>>> >> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 4:10=E2=80=AFPM Agustin Cruz >>>>> wrote: >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Dear Bitcoin Developers, >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> I am writing to share my proposal for a new Bitcoin Improvement >>>>> Proposal (BIP) titled Quantum-Resistant Address Migration Protocol (Q= RAMP). >>>>> The goal of this proposal is to safeguard Bitcoin against potential f= uture >>>>> quantum attacks by enforcing a mandatory migration period for funds h= eld in >>>>> legacy Bitcoin addresses (secured by ECDSA) to quantum-resistant addr= esses. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> The proposal outlines: >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Reducing Vulnerabilities: Transitioning funds to quantum-resistan= t >>>>> schemes preemptively to eliminate the risk posed by quantum attacks o= n >>>>> exposed public keys. >>>>> >>> Enforcing Timelines: A hard migration deadline that forces timely >>>>> action, rather than relying on a gradual, voluntary migration that mi= ght >>>>> leave many users at risk. >>>>> >>> Balancing Risks: Weighing the non-trivial risk of funds being >>>>> permanently locked against the potential catastrophic impact of a qua= ntum >>>>> attack on Bitcoin=E2=80=99s security. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Additionally, the proposal addresses common criticisms such as th= e >>>>> risk of permanent fund loss, uncertain quantum timelines, and the pot= ential >>>>> for chain splits. It also details backwards compatibility measures, >>>>> comprehensive security considerations, an extensive suite of test cas= es, >>>>> and a reference implementation plan that includes script interpreter >>>>> changes, wallet software updates, and network monitoring tools. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> For your convenience, I have published the full proposal on my >>>>> GitHub repository. You can review it at the following link: >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Quantum-Resistant Address Migration Protocol (QRAMP) Proposal on >>>>> GitHub >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> I welcome your feedback and suggestions and look forward to >>>>> engaging in a constructive discussion on how best to enhance the secu= rity >>>>> and resilience of the Bitcoin network in the quantum computing era. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Thank you for your time and consideration. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Best regards, >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Agustin Cruz >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> -- >>>>> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl= e >>>>> Groups "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. >>>>> >>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, >>>>> send an email to >>>>> >>> To view this discussion visit >>>>> >>>>> . >>>> >>>> >>>>> -- >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google >>> Groups "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. >>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send >>> an email to >>> To view this discussion visit >>> >>> >>> . >>> >> -- >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group= s >> "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send a= n >> email to >> To view this discussion visit >> >> >> . >> > --=20 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "= Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. 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Hi Dustin,

I remain conv= inced that a forced migration mechanism=E2=80=94with a clear block height d= eadline after which quantum-unsafe funds become unspendable=E2=80=94is the = more robust and secure approach. Here=E2=80=99s why:

A forced migration approach is unambiguous. By establishing a definitive de= adline, we eliminate the need for an additional transitional transaction ty= pe, thereby reducing complexity and potential attack vectors. Additional co= mplexity could inadvertently open up new vulnerabilities that a more straig= htforward deadline avoids.

If we don=E2=80=99t enforce a hard migration, any Bitcoin in lost wallets= =E2=80=94including coins in addresses that no longer have active private ke= y management, such as potentially Satoshi=E2=80=99s=E2=80=94could eventuall= y be compromised by quantum adversaries. If these coins were hacked and put= back into circulation, the resulting market shock would be catastrophic. T= he forced migration mechanism is designed to preempt such a scenario by ens= uring that only quantum-safe funds can be spent once the deadline is reache= d.

El mi=C3=A9, 19 de feb de 2025, 5:10=E2=80=AF= p.=C2=A0m., Dustin Ray <d=> escribi=C3=B3:
It's worth considering a hypothetical = but as of yet unknown middle ground solution, again nothing like this exist= s currently but conceptually it would be interesting to explore:

1. At some block height deemed app= ropriate, modify consensus so that any pre-quantum unspent funds are restri= cted from being spent as normal.

2. Develop a new transaction type whose sole purpose is to migrat= e funds from a quantum unsafe address to a safe one.

3. This new transaction type is a quantum safe= digital signature, but here's the hypothetical: It is satisfied by dev= eloping a mechanism by which a private key from a quantum-unsafe scheme can= be repurposed as a private key for a pq-safe scheme. It may also be possib= le that since we know the hash of the public key, perhaps we can invent som= e mechanism whereby a quantum safe signature is created from an ecdsa priva= te key that directly implies knowledge of a secret key that derived the kno= wn public key.

In this w= ay, we create a kind of turnstile that can safely transition funds from uns= afe addresses into safe ones. Such turnstiles have been used in blockchains= before, a notable example is in the zcash network as part of an audit of s= hielded funds.=C2=A0

The= re are likely hidden complexities in this idea that may cause it to be comp= letely unworkable, but a theoretical transition mechanism both prevents a h= eavy handed confiscation of funds and also prevents funds from being stolen= and injected back into the supply under illegitimate pretenses.

This only works for p2pkh, anythin= g prior to this is immediately vulnerable to key inversion, but Satoshi own= s most of those coins as far as we know, so confiscating them might not be = as controversial.

I'= m typing this on my phone so sorry for the lack of detailed references. I t= hink the core idea is clear though.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 10:47=E2=80= =AFAM Agustin Cruz <> wrote:
<= blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-l= eft-width:1px;border-left-style:solid;padding-left:1ex;border-left-color:rg= b(204,204,204)">

Hi Hunter,

I appreciate the work you=E2=80=99re doing on BIP-360 for Anduro. Your p= oint about not =E2=80=9Cconfiscating=E2=80=9D old coins and allowing those = with quantum capabilities to free them up is certainly a valid one, and I u= nderstand the argument that any inflationary impact could be transitory.

From my viewpoint, allowing quantum-capable adversaries to r= eintroduce dormant coins (e.g., Satoshi=E2=80=99s if those keys are lost) c= ould have unintended consequences that go beyond transient inflation. It co= uld fundamentally alter trust in Bitcoin=E2=80=99s fixed supply and disrupt= economic assumptions built around the current distribution of coins. While= some might view these dormant coins as =E2=80=9Cfair game,=E2=80=9D their = sudden reappearance could cause lasting market shocks and undermine confide= nce. The goal of a proactive migration is to close the door on such a scena= rio before it becomes imminent.

I agree that Q-day won=E2= =80=99t necessarily be a single, catastrophic moment. It will likely be gra= dual and subtle, giving the network some time to adapt. That said, one chal= lenge is ensuring we don=E2=80=99t find ourselves in an emergency scramble = the moment a capable quantum machine appears. A forced or proactive migrati= on is an admittedly strong measure, but it attempts to address the scenario= where a slow, creeping capability becomes a sudden attack vector once it m= atures. In that sense, =E2=80=9Crushing=E2=80=9D isn=E2=80=99t ideal, but n= either is waiting until the threat is undeniably present.

El mi=C3=A9, 1= 9 de feb de 2025, 1:31=E2=80=AFp.=C2=A0m., Hunter Beast <hunter@surmount= .systems> escribi=C3=B3:
I don't see why o= ld coins should be confiscated. The better option is to let those with quan= tum computers free up old coins. While this might have an inflationary impa= ct on bitcoin's price, to use a turn of phrase, the inflation is transi= tory. Those with low time preference should support returning lost coins to= circulation.

Also, I don't see the urgency, conside= ring the majority of coins are in either P2PKH, P2WPKH, P2SH, and P2WSH add= resses. If PQC signatures aren't added, such as with BIP-360, there wil= l be some concern around long exposure attacks on P2TR coins. For large amo= unts, it would be smart to modify wallets to support broadcasting transacti= ons to private mempool services such as Slipstream, to mitigate short expos= ure attacks. Those will also be rarer early on since a CRQC capable of a lo= ng exposure attack is much simpler than one capable of pulling off a short = exposure attack against a transaction in the mempool.

<= div>Bitcoin's Q-day likely won't be sudden and obvious. It will als= o take time to coordinate a soft fork activation. This shouldn't be rus= hed.

In the interest of transparency, it's wor= th mentioning that I'm working on a BIP-360 implementation for Anduro. = Both Anduro and Slipstream are MARA services.

On Tuesday, Februa= ry 11, 2025 at 9:01:51=E2=80=AFPM UTC-7 Agustin Cruz wrote:

Hi Dustin:

I understand that the proposal is an extraordinary ask=E2=80= =94it would indeed void a non-trivial part of the coin supply if users do n= ot migrate in time, and under normal circumstances, many would argue that u= nused P2PKH funds are safe from a quantum adversary. However, the intent he= re is to be proactive rather than reactive.

The concern isn=E2=80=99t solely about funds in active walle= ts. Consider that if we don=E2=80=99t implement a proactive migration, any = Bitcoin in lost wallets=E2=80=94including, hypothetically, Satoshi=E2=80=99= s if he is not alive=E2=80=94will remain vulnerable. In the event of a quan= tum breakthrough, those coins could be hacked and put back into circulation= . Such an outcome would not only disrupt the balance of supply but could al= so undermine the trust and security that Bitcoin has built over decades. In= short, the consequences of a reactive measure in a quantum emergency could= be far more catastrophic.

While I agree that a forced migration during an active quant= um attack scenario might be more acceptable (since funds would likely be co= nsidered lost anyway), waiting until such an emergency arises leaves us wit= h little margin for error. By enforcing a migration now, we create a window= for the entire community to transition safely=E2=80=94assuming we set the = deadline generously and provide ample notifications, auto-migration tools, = and, if necessary, emergency extensions.

El mar, 11 de feb de 2025, 9:48= =E2=80=AFp.=C2=A0m., Dustin Ray <> escribi=C3=B3:
= I think youre going to have a tough time getting consensus on this
proposal. It is an extraordinary ask of the community to instill a
change that will essentially void out a non-trivial part of the coin
supply, especially when funds behind unused P2PKH addresses are at
this point considered safe from a quantum adversary.

In my opinion, where parts of this proposal make sense is in a quantum
emergency in which an adversary is actively extracting private keys
from known public keys and a transition must be made quickly and
decisively. In that case, we might as well consider funds to be lost
anyways. In any other scenario prior to this hypothetical emergency
however, I have serious doubts that the community is going to consent
to this proposal as it stands.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 4:37=E2=80=AFPM Agustin Cruz <> wrote:
> Hi Dustin
> To clarify, the intent behind making legacy funds unspendable after a = certain block height is indeed a hard security measure=E2=80=94designed to = mitigate the potentially catastrophic risk posed by quantum attacks on ECDS= A. The idea is to force a proactive migration of funds to quantum-resistant= addresses before quantum computers become capable of compromising the curr= ent cryptography.
> The migration window is intended to be sufficiently long (determined b= y both block height and community input) to provide ample time for users an= d service providers to transition.
> El mar, 11 de feb de 2025, 9:15=E2=80=AFp. m., Dustin Ray <>= ; escribi=C3=B3:
>> Right off the bat I notice you are proposing that legacy funds bec= ome unspendable after a certain block height which immediately raises serio= us problems. A migration to quantum hard addresses in this manner would cau= se serious financial damage to anyone holding legacy funds, if I understand= your proposal correctly.
>> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 4:10=E2=80=AFPM Agustin Cruz <> wro= te:
>>> Dear Bitcoin Developers,
>>> I am writing to share my proposal for a new Bitcoin Improvemen= t Proposal (BIP) titled Quantum-Resistant Address Migration Protocol (QRAMP= ). The goal of this proposal is to safeguard Bitcoin against potential futu= re quantum attacks by enforcing a mandatory migration period for funds held= in legacy Bitcoin addresses (secured by ECDSA) to quantum-resistant addres= ses.
>>> The proposal outlines:
>>> Reducing Vulnerabilities: Transitioning funds to quantum-resis= tant schemes preemptively to eliminate the risk posed by quantum attacks on= exposed public keys.
>>> Enforcing Timelines: A hard migration deadline that forces tim= ely action, rather than relying on a gradual, voluntary migration that migh= t leave many users at risk.
>>> Balancing Risks: Weighing the non-trivial risk of funds being = permanently locked against the potential catastrophic impact of a quantum a= ttack on Bitcoin=E2=80=99s security.
>>> Additionally, the proposal addresses common criticisms such as= the risk of permanent fund loss, uncertain quantum timelines, and the pote= ntial for chain splits. It also details backwards compatibility measures, c= omprehensive security considerations, an extensive suite of test cases, and= a reference implementation plan that includes script interpreter changes, = wallet software updates, and network monitoring tools.
>>> For your convenience, I have published the full proposal on my= GitHub repository. You can review it at the following link:
>>> Quantum-Resistant Address Migration Protocol (QRAMP) Proposal = on GitHub
>>> I welcome your feedback and suggestions and look forward to en= gaging in a constructive discussion on how best to enhance the security and= resilience of the Bitcoin network in the quantum computing era.
>>> Thank you for your time and consideration.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Agustin Cruz
>>> --
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