The choice is very real and on-point. What should the block size limit be? Why?
There is a large consensus that it needs increasing. To what? By what factor?
The size limit literally defines the fee market, the whole damn thing. If software high priests choose a size limit of 300k, space is scarce, fees are bid high. If software high priests choose a size limit of 32mb, space is plentiful, fees are near zero. Market actors take their signals accordingly. Some business models boom, some business models fail, as a direct result of changing this unintentionally-added speedbump. Different users value adoption, decentralization etc. differently.
The size limit is an economic policy lever that needs to be transitioned -away- from software and software developers, to the free market.
A simple, e.g. hard fork to 2MB or 4MB does not fix higher level governance problems associated with actors lobbying developers, even if a cloistered and vetted Technical Advisory Board as has been proposed.