Since you missed it, here is the suggestion again:

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Mats Henricson <> wrote:

with all due respect, but I've seen you saying this a few times
now, that this decision is oh so difficult and important.

But this is not helpful. We all know that. Even I.

Make a suggestion, or stay out of the debate!


On 06/14/2015 07:36 AM, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> The choice is very real and on-point.  What should the block size limit
> be?  Why?
> There is a large consensus that it needs increasing.  To what?  By what
> factor?
> The size limit literally defines the fee market, the whole damn thing.  If
> software high priests choose a size limit of 300k, space is scarce, fees
> are bid high.  If software high priests choose a size limit of 32mb, space
> is plentiful, fees are near zero.  Market actors take their signals
> accordingly.  Some business models boom, some business models fail, as a
> direct result of changing this unintentionally-added speedbump.  Different
> users value adoption, decentralization etc. differently.
> The size limit is an economic policy lever that needs to be transitioned
> -away- from software and software developers, to the free market.
> A simple, e.g. hard fork to 2MB or 4MB does not fix higher level governance
> problems associated with actors lobbying developers, even if a cloistered
> and vetted Technical Advisory Board as has been proposed.
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 1:20 AM, Eric Lombrozo <> wrote:
>> I definitely think we need some voting system for metaconsensus…but if
>> we’re going to seriously consider this we should look at the problem much
>> more generally. Using false choices doesn’t really help, though ;)
>> - Eric Lombrozo
>> On Jun 13, 2015, at 10:13 PM, Jeff Garzik <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 1:08 AM, Eric Lombrozo <>
>> wrote:
>>> 2) BIP100 has direct economic consequences…and particularly for miners.
>>> It lends itself to much greater corruptibility.
>> What is the alternative?  Have a Chief Scientist or Technical Advisory
>> Board choose what is a proper fee, what is a proper level of
>> decentralization, a proper growth factor?
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Jeff Garzik
Bitcoin core developer and open source evangelist
BitPay, Inc.