
 I think it is time to your Libcoin to become the official Bitcoin...   ;-)

 Look: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=108987.msg1185827

 It is more or less the same idea, right?!


On 16 July 2012 17:14, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Michael!

 I would like to ask you one thing:

 1- Release a new version of Libcoin closest as possible with mainline Bitcoin.

 I mean, do not add any extra code to it and also, do not change any stdout / stderr messages.

 How much do you think that this will cost?

 For the extra code: I'll need to run the "blockchain side" as Linux user called "blockchain" and, each of my regular Linux user will have its own wallet.dat file (without the blockchain).
