OK, so you're going with this scenario:
1. I know Apub and Bpub,
2. I know M is 3
3. I'm choosing a random number for C's private key
Cpub is g^C
The equation I am solving for .. and trying to factor myself out of is g^Ax + g^B*2 + g^C*3
I don't know A or B... I only know their public keys.
I don't think it's possible to adaptively choose C for an attack on the multisig construction, when using hash of the public key as the X coordinate in the polynomial, because in order to satisfy the equation and factor out C, you would need to be able to break the hash.
With an additive construction, yes... adaptive attacks are possible. But in a shamir secret sharing interpolation, you need a public X coordinate as well as a secret share. Choosing hash(pub) as X, prevents this attack.