> Thus, two-phase MuSig is potentially unsafe. > https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/417.pdf describes the argument. One solution is to add a signature timeout to the message (say a block height) . A participant refuses to sign if that time is too far in the future, or is at all in the past, or if a message M is the same as any previous message within that time window. Seems to resolve the attacks on 2 round musig. On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, 6:00 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev < bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote: > So I heard you like MuSig. > > > Introduction > ============ > > Previously on lightning-dev, I propose Lightning Nodelets, wherein one > signatory of a channel is in fact not a single entity, but instead an > aggregate: > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2019-October/002236.html > > Generalizing: > > * There exists some protocol that requires multiple participants agreeing. > * This can be implemented by use of MuSig on the public keys of the > participants. > * One or more of the participants in the above protocol is in fact an > aggregate, not a single participant. > * Ideally, no protocol modification should be needed to support such > aggregates, "only" software development without modifying the protocol > layer. > * Obviously, any participant of such a protocol, whether a direct > participant, or a member of an aggregated participant of that protocol, > would want to retain control of its own money in that protocol, without > having to determine if it is being Sybilled (and all other participants are > in fact just one participant). > * Motivating example: a Lightning Network channel is the aggregate of > two participants, the nodes creating that channel. > However, with nodelets as proposed above, one of the participants is > actually itself an aggregate of multiple nodelets. > * This requires that a Lightning Network channel with a MuSig address, > to have one or both participants, be potentially an aggregate of two or > more nodelet participants, e.g. `MuSig(MuSig(A, B), C)` > > This is the "MuSig composition" problem. > That is, given `MuSig(MuSig(A, B), C)`, and the *possibility* that in fact > `B == C`, what protocol can A use to ensure that it uses the three-phase > MuSig protocol (which has a proof of soundness) and not inadvertently use a > two-phase MuSig protocol? > > Schnorr Signatures > ================== > > The scheme is as follows. > > Suppose an entity A needs to show a signature. > At setup: > > * It generates a random scalar `a`. > * It computes `A` as `A = a * G`, where `G` is the standard generator > point. > * It publishes `A`. > > At signing a message `m`: > > * It generates a random scalar `r`. > * It computes `R` as `R = r * G`. > * It computes `e` as `h(R | m)`, where `h()` is a standard hash function > and `x | y` denotes the serialization of `x` concatenated by the > serialization of `y`. > * It computes `s` as `s = r + e * a`. > * It publishes as signature the tuple of `(R, s)`. > > An independent validator can then get `A`, `m`, and the signature `(R, s)`. > At validation: > > * It recovers `e[validator]` as so: `e[validator] = h(R | m)` > * It computes `S[validator]` as so: `S[validator] = R + e[validator] * A`. > * It checks if `s * G == S[validator]`. > * If `R` and `s` were indeed generated as per signing algorithm above, > then: > * `S[validator] = R + e[validator] * A` > * `== r * G + e[validator] * A`; subbstitution of `R` > * `== r * G + h(R | m) * A`; substitution of `e[validator]` > * `== r * G + h(R | m) * a * G`; substitution of `A`. > * `== (r + h(R | m) * a) * G`; factor out `G` > * `== (r + e * a) * G`; substitution of `h(R | m)` with `e` > * `== s * G`; substitution of `r + e * a`. > > MuSig > ===== > > Under MuSig, validation must remain the same, and multiple participants > must provide a single aggregate key and signature. > > Suppose there exist two participants A and B. > At setup: > > * A generates a random scalar `a` and B generates a random scalar `b`. > * A computes `A` as `A = a * G` and B computes `B` as `B = b * G`. > * A and B exchange `A` and `B`. > * They generate the list `L`, by sorting their public keys and > concatenating their representations. > * They compute their aggregate public key `P` as `P = h(L) * A + h(L) * B`. > * They publish the aggregate public key `P`. > > Signing takes three phases. > > 1. `R` commitment exchange. > * A generates a random scalar `r[a]` and B generates a random scalar > `r[b]`. > * A computes `R[a]` as `R[a] = r[a] * G` and B computes `R[b]` as `R[b] > = r[b] * G`. > * A computes `h(R[a])` and B computes `h(R[b])`. > * A and B exchange `h(R[a])` and `h(R[b])`. > 2. `R` exchange. > * A and B exchange `R[a]` and `R[b]`. > * They validate that the previous given `h(R[a])` and `h(R[b])` matches. > 3. `s` exchange. > * They compute `R` as `R = R[a] + R[b]`. > * They compute `e` as `h(R | m)`. > * A computes `s[a]` as `s[a] = r[a] + e * h(L) * a` and B computes > `s[b]` as `s[b] = r[b] + e * h(L) * b`. > * They exchange `s[a]` and `s[b]`. > * They compute `s` as `s = s[a] + s[b]`. > * They publish the signature as the tuple `(e, s)`. > > At validation, the validator knows `P`, `m`, and the signature `(R, s)`. > > * It recovers `e[validator]` as so: `e[validator] = h(R | m)` > * It computes `S[validator]` as so: `S[validator] = R + e[validator] * P`. > * It checks if `s * G == S[validator]`. > * `S[validator] = R + e[validator] * P` > * `== R[a] + R[b] + e[validator] * P`; substitution of `R` > * `== r[a] * G + r[b] * G + e[validator] * P`; substitution of `R[a]` > and `R[b]` > * `== r[a] * G + r[b] * G + e * P`; substitution of `e[validator]` with > `e` > * `== r[a] * G + r[b] * G + e * (h(L) * A + h(L) * B)`; substitution of > `P` > * `== r[a] * G + r[b] * G + e * h(L) * A + e * h(L) * B`; distribution > of `e` inside parentheses. > * `== r[a] * G + r[b] * G + e * h(L) * a * G + e * h(L) * b * G`; > substitution of `A` and `B`. > * `== (r[a] + r[b] + e * h(L) * a + e * h(L) * b) * G`; factoring out of > `G` > * `== (r[a] + e * h(L) * a + r[b] + e * h(L) * b) * G`; rearrangement of > terms > * `== (s[a] + s[b]) * G`; substitution of `r[a] + e * h(L) * a` and > `r[b] + e * h(L) * b` > * `== s * G`; substitution of `s[a] + s[b]` > > > Two-Phase MuSig Unsafe > ====================== > > Original proposal of MuSig only had two phases, `R` exchange and `s` > exchange. > However, there was a flaw found in the security proof in this two-phase > MuSig. > In response, an earlier phase of exchanging commitments to `R` was added. > > Thus, two-phase MuSig is potentially unsafe. > > https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/417.pdf describes the argument. > Briefly, with two-phase MuSig, one of the participants can deliberately > delay its side of a `R` exchange and control the resulting sum `R` by > cancelling the `R` of the other participant. > Executed over many (aborted) signing sessions, one participant can induce > the other to create a signature for a message it might not agree to, by > using the Wagner Generalized Birthday Paradox attack. > > Briefly, a two-phase MuSig signing would go this way: > > 1. `R` exchange. > * A generates random scalar `r[a]` and B generates random scalar `r[b]`. > * A computes `R[a]` as `r[a] * G` and B computes `R[b]` as `r[b] * G`. > * They exchange `R[a]` and `R[b]`. > 2. `s` exchange. > * They compute `R` as `R = R[a] + R[b]`. > * They compute `e` as `h(R | m)`. > * A computes `s[a]` as `s[a] = r[a] + e * h(L) * a` and B computes > `s[b]` as `s[b] = r[b] + e * h(L) * b`. > * They exchange `s[a]` and `s[b]`. > * They compute `s` as `s = s[a] + s[b]`. > * They publish the signature as the tuple `(R, s)`. > > The sticking point is "exchange" here. > Given that we live in a relativistic universe where there is no such thing > as simultaneity-in-time-without-simultaneity-in-space, it is impossible to > ensure that both A and B send their data "at the same time" in such a way > that it is impossible for, for example, the send of B to be outside the > future light cone of the send of A. > Or in human-level terms, it is not possible to ensure over the network > that B will not send `R[b]` *after* it receives `R[a]`. > > Suppose that instead of B generating a random `r[b]` and *then* computing > `R[b] = r[b] * G`, it instead selects an arbitrary `R[selected]` it wants > to target, then compute `R[b]` as `R[selected] - R[a]`. > Then at `s` exchange: > > * They compute `R` as `R[a] + R[b]`, which is in fact `R[a] + R[selected] > - R[a]`, or `R[selected]`, i.e. `R == R[selected]`. > * They compute `e` as `h(R[selected] | m)`. > * A computes `s[a]` as `s[a] = r[a] + e * h(L) * a`. > * B is unable to compute `s[b]` as it has no `r[b]` it can use in the > computation, and aborts the signing. > > The attack involved is that multiple such signing sessions, for the same > message or for separate distinct messages, might be done in parallel. > Suppose that there are `n` such sessions, such that A provides `n` > different `R[a][i]`, e.g. `R[a][1]`, `R[a][2]`, `R[a][3]` up to `R[a][n]`. > Then: > > * B delays each session, pretending to have Internet connectivity problems. > * B selects a message `m[target]` that it knows A will never sign (e.g. > "I, A, give all my money to B"). > * B computes `R[target]` as `sum where i = 1 to n of R[a][i]`. > * B uses the Wagner Generalized Birthday Paradox technique to find > `R[selected][i]` with the following constraint: > * `h(R[target] | m[target]) == sum where i = 1 to n of h(R[selected][i] > | m[i])`. > * Given a large enough number of parallel sessions `n`, this can greatly > reduce the effort from 2^128 to find a match to within the realm of a large > computer to compute within a few seconds. > * B computes `R[b][i]` as `R[selected][i] - R[a][i]`, for each `i` from 1 > to `n`. > * B provides `R[b][i]` for each session. > * A computes `R[i]` as `R[a][i] + R[b][i]` for each session. > * However we know that `R[b][i] == R[selected][i] - R[a][i]` for each > session, cancelling out `R[a][i]` and leaving `R[i] == R[selected][i]` > * A computes `s[a][i]` as `r[a][i] + h(R[selected][i] | m[i]) * h(L) * a` > for each session. > * A gives `s[a][i]` for each session. > * B aborts each session. > * B sums up all the `s[a][i]`: > * `(sum where i = 1 to n of r[a][i]) + (sum where i = 1 to n of > h(R[selected][i] | m[i]) * h(L) * a)`. > * Remember, B has specifically selected `R[selected][i]` such that > `h(R[target] | m[target])` is equal to the sum of `h(R[selected][i] | > m[i])`. > * `== (sum where i = 1 to n of r[a][i]) + h(R[target] | m[target]) * > h(L) * a)`. > * B adds `h(R[target] | m[target]) * h(L) * b` to the above sum. > * This results in a signature for MuSig(A, B) to the message > `m[target]`, even though A would never have agreed to this message. > > Thus, 2-phase MuSig enables a Wagner attack on the participant, thus it is > unsafe. > > Now, any method of ensuring a "simultaneous" exchange of `R` points is > largely the same as adding a "commit to `R`" phase, i.e. the fix for this > is simply to add the "`R` commitment exchange" phase. > > References: https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/417.pdf > > MuSig Composition > ================= > > Let us suppose that we have some protocol that requires a MuSig signing > session between signers with public keys `P` and `C`. > Let us further suppose that in fact, `P = MuSig(A, B)`, i.e. one of the > public keys in this protocol is, in reality, itself a MuSig of two > participants. > > At the point of view of signer C, P is a single participant and it acts as > such. > However, in reality, P is an aggregate. > > We want to have the following properties: > > * C should never need to know that P is in fact an aggregate. > * Even if B is secretly the same as C, the entire protocol as a whole > (including the aggregate signing of `MuSig(A, B)`) should remain > three-phase MuSig. > > Now, from the point of view of C, what it sees are: > > At setup: > > * It generates a random scalar `c` and the public key `C` as `C = c * G`. > * It exchanges keys with P and gets the public key `P`. > * It computes `L` by sorting `C` and `P` and concatenating them. > * It determines their aggregate key as `h(L) * C + h(L) * P`. > > At signing: > > 1. `R` commitment exchange. > * It generates a random scalar `r[c]` and computes `R[c]` as `R[c] = > r[c] * G`. > * It computes `h(R[c])`. > * It exchanges the hash `h(R[c])` with P and gets `h(R[p])`. > 2. `R` exchange. > * It exchanges `R[c]` with P and gets `R[p]`. > * It validates that the hash `h(R[p])` matches the previously-committed > hash. > 3. `s` exchange. > * It computes `R` as `R = R[c] + R[p]`. > * It computes `e` as `e = h(R | m)`. > * It computes `s[c]` as `s[c] = r[c] + e * c`. > * It exchanges `s[c]` with P and gets `s[p]`. > * It computes `s` as `s = s[c] + s[p]`. > > However, from point of view of A and B, what actually happens is this: > > At setup: > > * A generates a random scalar `a` and computes `A = a * G`, B generates a > random scalar `b` and computes `B = b * G`. > * They exchange `A` and `B`. > * They generate their own `L[ab]`, by sorting `A` and `B` and > concatenating their representations. > * They compute the inner MuSig pubkey `P` as `P = h(L[ab]) * A + h(L[ab]) > * B`. > * They exchange `P` with C, and get `C`. > * They compute the outer MuSig pubkey as `h(L) * P + h(L) * C`. > > At signing: > > 1. `R` commitment exchange. > * A generates a random scalar `r[a]` and computes `R[a] = r[a] * G`, B > generates a random scalar `r[b]` and computes `R[b] = r[b] * G`. > * A computes `h(R[a])`, B computes `h(R[b])`. > * They exchange `h(R[a])` and `h(R[b])`. > * They need to compute `h(R[p])` for the protocol with C. > * However, even if we know `R[p] == R[a] + R[b]`, we cannot generate > `h(R[p])`. > * Thus, they have no choice but to exchange `R[a]` and `R[b]` at this > phase, even though this is supposed to be the `R` commitment exchange phase > (and they should not share `R[a]` and `R[b]` yet)! > > Unfortunately, this means that, between A and B, we are now reduced to a > two-phase MuSig. > This is relevant if B and C happen to be the same entity or are > cooperating. > > Basically, before C has to provide its `h(R[c])`, B now knows the > generated `R[a]` and `R[b]`. > If B and C are really the same entity, then C can compute `R[c]` as > `R[selected] - R[a] - R[b]` before providing `h(R[c])`. > Then this devolves to the same attack that brings down 2-phase MuSig. > > Thus, composition with the current MuSig proposal is insecure. > > Towards a Composable Multi-`R` MuSig > ==================================== > > A key element is that the first phase simply requires that all > participants provide *commitments* to their individual `R`, and the second > phase reveals their `R`. > > I propose here the modification below: > > * In the first phase, any participant in the MuSig may submit one *or > more* `R` commitments. > * In the second phase, the participant in the MuSig submits each `R` that > decommits each of the `R` commitments it sent. > > I call this the Remote R Replacement Remanded: Redundant R Required > Realistically, or, in shorter terms, the Multi-`R` proposal. > > This is a simple and direct extension of the MuSig protocol, and expected > to not have any effect on the security proof of MuSig. > > In the case where all MuSig participants are singletons and each > participant just generates and sends a single `R` commitment, then this > proposal reduces to the original MuSig proposal. > > However, in the case where one participant is in reality itself an > aggregate, then we shall describe it below. > The below example is `MuSig(MuSig(A, B), C)`. > > 1. `R` commitment exchange. > * A generates a random number `r[a]`, B generates a random number > `r[b]`, C generates a random number `r[c]`. > * A computes `R[a]` as `r[a] * G`, B computes `R[b]` as `r[b] * G`, C > computes `R[c]` as `r[c] * G`. > * A computes `h(R[a])`, B computes `h(R[b])`, C computes `h(R[c])`. > * A and B exchange their hashes with each other. > * A and B jointly exchange their `h(R[a])` and `h(R[b])` with the > `h(R[c])` from C. > 2. `R` exchange. > * A and B reveal their `R[a]` and `R[b]` with each other. > * A and B validate the given `R[a]` matches `h(R[a])` and the given > `R[b]` matches `h(R[b])`. > * A and B jointly exchange their `R[a]` and `R[b]` with the `R[c]` from > C. > * C validates `R[a]` and `R[b]`, A and B validate `R[c]`. > * They compute `R` as the sum of all `R[a] + R[b] + R[c]`. > 3. `s` exchange. > * They compute `e` as `h(R | m)`. > * A computes `s[a]` as `r[a] + e * h(L[abc]) * h(L[ab]) * a`, B computes > `s[b]` as `r[b] + e * h(L[abc]) * h(L[ab]) * b`. > * C computes `s[c]` as `r[c] + e * h(L[abc]) * c`. > * A and B exchange `s[a]` and `s[b]`. > * A and B compute `s[ab]` as `s[a] + s[b]`. > * A and B jointly exchange their `s[ab]` with `s[c]` from C. > * They compute `s` as `s[ab] + s[c]`. > * They publish the signature as the tuple `(R, s)`. > > Of note, is that the number of `R` a participant provides is a strong hint > as to whether it is actually an aggregate or not, and forms an upper bound > as to the size of the aggregate (i.e. an aggregate of `n` members can > pretend to be an aggregate of `m` members where `n < m`, but cannot pretend > with `n > m`). > Thus, C here learns that its counterparty is actually itself an aggregate > rather than a singleton. > This may be acceptable as a weak reduction in privacy (in principle, C > should never learn that it is talking to an aggregate rather than a single > party). > > Alternative Composable MuSig Schemes > ==================================== > > The above proposal is not the only one. > Below are some additional proposals which have various flaws, ranging from > outright insecurity to practical implementation complexity issues. > > Pedersen Commitments in Phase 1 > ------------------------------- > > My initial proposal was to use Pedersen commitments in phase 1. > At phase 1, each party would generate a `r[x]` and `q[x]`, and exchange > the Pedersen commitments `r[x] * G + q[x] * H`, where `H` is a NUMS point > used as a second standard generator. > Then at phase 2, each party reveals its `q[x]`. > All the Pedersen commitments are summed, then all `q[x]` are summed, > multiplied by `H`, then subtracted from the sum of Pedersen commitments. > > Unfortunately, this leads to a Wagner attack. > > Suppose A and B have an aggregate MuSig(A, B). > > * B initiates multiple parallel signing sessions with A. > * B selects a message `m[target]` that it knows A will never sign (e.g. > "I, A, give all my money to B"). > * In the first phase, B selects random points `R[b][i]` for each session > `i` and provides that as its Pedersen commitment, receiving `R[a][i] + > q[a][i] * H` in exchange. > * In the second phase, B delays each session, pretending to have Internet > connectivity problems. > * A sends B the `q[a][i]` for all `i`. > * B computes `R[a][i]` for all `i` by subtracting `q[a][i] * H` from the > Pedersen commitments given by A. > * B computes `R[target]` as `sum where i = 1 to n of R[a][i]`. > * B uses the Wagner Generalized Birthday Paradox technique to find > `q[b][i]` with the following constraint: > * First compute `R[selected][i]` as `R[a][i] + R[b][i] - q[b][i] * H` > for all `i`. > * Then ensure this constraint: `h(R[target] | m[target]) == sum where i > = 1 to n of h(R[selected][i] | m[i])`. > * B sends the `q[b][i]` found above. > * A computes `R[i]` as `R[a][i] + q[a][i] * H + R[b][i] - q[a][i] * H - > q[b][i] * H` for all `i`. > * This resolves down to `R[a][i] + R[b][i] - q[b][i] * H`, or > `R[selected][i]`. > * A computes `s[a][i]` as `r[a][i] + h(R[selected][i] | m[i]) * a` for all > `i`. > * B sums all `s[a][i]` for all `i` together, forming `(sum where i = 1 to > n of r[a][i]) + (sum where i = 1 to n of h(R[selected][i] | m[i])) * a`. > * This is also a valid signature on `m[target]`, since `sum where i = 1 > to n of h(R[selected][i] | m[i])` equals `h(R[target] | m[target])`. > > Thus, Pedersen commitments for phase 1 are insecure, as it allows > counterparties to control `R`. > > ElGamal Commitments in Phase 1 > ------------------------------ > > ElGamal commitments prevent B from just giving random `q[b][i]`, thus > preventing the above Wagner attack. > However, it is still possible for B to control the resulting `R`, but in > doing so this prevents the protocol from completing (thus, even with full > control of `R`, B is still unable to promote this to an `R`-reuse attack or > the above Wagner attack schema). > This is not quite as bad as the above case, but having just one > participant control the nonce `R` should make us worry that other attacks > may now become possible (unless we acquire some proof that this will be > equivalent in security to the hash-using MuSig). > > Briefly, with ElGamal commitments in Phase 1: > > 1. `R` commitment exchange. > * A generates random numbers `r[a]` and `q[a]`, B generates random > numbers `r[b]` and `q[b]`. > * A computes its commitment as two points, `q[a] * G` and `r[a] * G + > q[a] * H`, B computes its commitment as two points, `q[b] * G` and `r[b] * > G + q[b] * H`. > * `H` is a NUMS point used as a second standard generator. > * Note that one point uses `q[] * G` while the other adds `q[] * H` to > `r[] * G`. > * They exchange their pairs of points. > 2. `R` exchange. > * They exchange `q[a]` and `q[b]`, and the points `r[a] * G` (== `R[a]`) > and `r[b] * G` (== `R[b]`). > * They validate the exchanged data from the previous `R` commitments. > * They compute `R` as `R[a]` + `R[b]`. > 3. `s` exchange. > * Same as before. > > B can attack this by delaying its phases as below: > > 1. `R` commitment exchange. > * B generates random `q[selected]`. > * B selects target `R[selected]`. > * After receiving `q[a] * G` and `r[a] * G + q[a] * H`, B computes > `q[selected] * G - q[a] * G` and `R[selected] + q[selected] * H - r[a] * G > - q[a] * H` and sends those points as its own commitment. > 2. `R` exchange. > * After receiving `q[a]` and `R[a]`, B computes `q[b]` as `q[selected] - > q[a]` and computes `R[b]` as `R[selected] - R[a]` and sends both as its > decommitment. > * The resulting `R` will now be `R[selected]` chosen by B. > > `s` exchange cannot complete, as that would require that B know > `r[selected] - r[a]` where `R[selected] = r[selected] * G`. > Even if B generates `R[selected]` from `r[selected]`, it does not know > `r[a]`. > A would provide `r[a] + h(R[selected] | m) * h(L[ab]) * a`, but B would be > unable to complete this signature. > > The difference here is that B has to select `R[selected]` before it learns > `R[a]`, and thus is unable to mount the above Wagner attack schema. > In particular, B first has to compute an `R[target]` equal to `sum where i > = 1 to n of R[a][i]` across `n` sessions numbered `i`, in addition to > selecting a message `m[i]`. > Then B has to perform a Wagner attack with the constraint `h(R[target] | > m[target]) == sum where i = 1 to n of h(R[selected][i] | m[i])` > Fortunately for this scheme, B cannot determine such an `R[target]` before > it has to select `R[selected]`, thus preventing this attack. > > It may be possible that this scheme is safe, however I am not capable of > proving it safe. > > Acknowledgments > =============== > > I contacted Yannick Seurin, Andrew Poelstra, Pieter Wuille, and Greg > Maxwell, the authors of MuSig, regarding this issue, and proposing to use > Pedersen commitments for the first phase. > They informed me that Tim Ruffing had actually been thinking of similar > issue before I did, and also pointed out that Pedersen commitments do not > commit to `r * G`, only to `r` (i.e. would have to reveal `r` to serve as a > verifiable commitment). > It seemed to me that the general agreement was that ElGamal commitments > should work for committing to `r * G`. > However as I show above, this still allows a delaying participant to > cancel the `R` contributions of the other parties, allowing it to control > the aggregate `R` (though not quite to launch a Wagner attack). > > `nickler` and `waxwing` on IRC confirmed my understanding of the attack on > 2-phase MuSig. > `waxwing` also mentioned that the paper attacking 2-phase MuSig really > attacks CoSi, and that the paper itself admits that given a > knowledge-of-secret-keys, CoSi (and presumably 2-phase MuSig) would be safe. > > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev >