š Hello, All!

I'm trying to setup pushpool + bitcoind. šHowever, when I connect to pushpool with cpuminer I receive this error: šš

š š [2013-04-21 12:47:47] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds š
š š [2013-04-21 12:48:17] JSON-RPC call failed: { š
š š š š"code": -2, š
š š š š"message": "upstream RPC error" š
š š } š
š š [2013-04-21 12:48:17] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds š

I see this error in the **pushpool server log**: š š
š š root@ip-10-28-79-184:/usr/local/sbin# ./pushpoold --debug=2 --stderr -- šforeground --config=/usr/local/sbin/server.json š
š š [2013-04-21 13:26:28.319949] Debug output enabled š
š š [2013-04-21 13:26:28.333064] Forcing local hostname to localhost š
š š [2013-04-21 13:26:28.456350] Listening on host :: port 8336 š
š š [2013-04-21 13:26:28.456477] Listening on host port 8334 š
š š [2013-04-21 13:26:28.485367] initialized š
š š JSON protocol request: š
š š {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":1} š
š š šš
š š About to connect() to port 8332 (#0) š
š š š šTrying * TCP_NODELAY set š
š š šconnected š
š š šConnected to ( port 8332 (#0) š
š š šServer auth using Basic with user 'username' š
š š šPOST / HTTP/1.1 š
š š Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWV2YXN5YTpwYXNzd29yZHZhc3lhMTQ= š
š š Host: š
š š Accept: */* š
š š Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip š
š š Content-type: application/json š
š š Content-Length: 45 š
š šš
š š šThe requested URL returned error: 500 š
š š šClosing connection #0 š
š š [2013-04-21 13:26:31.743119] HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 500 š

**bitcoind config:** š

š š testnet=0 š
š š server=1 š
š š rpcuser=username š
š š rpcpassword=password š
š š rpctimeout=30 š
š š rpcallowip=* š
š š rpcport=8332 š
š š rpcconnect= š
š š gen=0 šš
š š keypool=256 š
š š paytxfee=0.00š

**pushpool config:** šš

š š { š
š š š š "listen": [ š
š š š š š š { š
š š š š š š š š "port": 8336 š
š š š š š š }, š
š š š š š š { š
š š š š š š š š "host" : "server_ip", š
š š š š š š š š "port" : 8334, š
š š š š š š š š "protocol" : "http-json" š
š š š š š š } š
š š š š ], š
š š š š "database": { š
š š š š š š "engine": "mysql", š
š š š š š š "host": "localhost", š
š š š š š š "port": 3306, š
š š š š š š "name": "bitcoin", š š
š š š š š š "username": "mysql_username", š
š š š š š š "password": "mysql_password", š
š š š š š š "sharelog": true, š
š š š š š š "stmt.pwdb": "SELECT `password` FROM `pool_worker` WHERE `username` = ?", š
š š š š š š "stmt.sharelog" : š"INSERT INTO shares (rem_host, username, our_result, upstream_result, reason, solution) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" š
š š š š }, š
š šš
š š "pid": "/tmp/pushpool/pushpoold.pid", š
š š "forcehost": "localhost", š
š š š š "log.requests": "/tmp/pushpool/request.log", š
š š š š "log.shares": "/tmp/pushpool/shares.log", š
š š š š "auth.cred_cache.expire": 75, š
š š š š "rpc.url": "http://", š
š š š š "rpc.user": "username", š
š š š š "rpc.pass": "password", š
š š š š "rpc.target.rewrite": true š
š š } š

I have tried to change ports, and even rebooted the server, šnothing helps.š
If you need pore information, i will show. š
š šThanks.š

๓ ีืมึลฮษลอ,
š๓อฯาฯฤษฮ แฬลหำมฮฤา
š š š š š š š š
š š š š š š mailto: agsmorodin@gmail.com