Hi Mike
For now this is just an NDEF URI message with Bitcoin URI inside, and then transaction itself propagated to the network by the phone using it's own Internet connection. Far not ideal, but even this is supported only by Andreas' Wallet, so we cannot move ahead alot really until other wallets will have some support in this area.
As you see - it's taking just few seconds, most of which is manual payment confirmation. Btw, ignore my first screen tap, where I'm selecting wallets - it's an unlikely thing to happen IRL to have several wallets installed at the same time.
Also, I think many people may not know about Oyster cards, so this might need little bit of explanation. And btw, have you been to London lately? Oyster readers now accept contactless cards directly along with Oyster cards itself. I wonder if eventually in future we could add bitcoin support into that system directly, without hardware replacements.