I think that this implication affects other applications built on the blockchain, not just the PubRef proposal:
> There is a potential for a targeted attack where a large payout going to a `scriptPubKey` that uses `OP_PUBREF` on a recently-confirmed transaction finds that recently-confirmed transaction is replaced with one that pays to a different public key, via a history-rewrite attack.
> Such an attack is doable by miners, and if we consider that we accept 100 blocks for miner coinbase maturity as "acceptably low risk" against miner shenanigans, then we might consider that 100 blocks might be acceptable for this also.
> Whether 100 is too high or not largely depends on your risk appetite.
I agree 100% this attack is unexpected and very interesting. However, I find the arbitrary '100' to be unsatisfying - I'll have to do some more digging. It would be interesting to trigger this on the testnet to see what happens. Do you know if anyone has pushed these limits? I am so taken by this attack I might attempt it.
> Data derived from > 220Gb of perpetually-growing blockchain is hardly, to my mind, "only needs an array".
There are other open source projects that have to deal with larger data sets and have accounted for the real-world limits on computability. Apache HTTPD's Bucket-Brigade comes to mind, which has been well tested and can account for limited RAM when accessing linear data structures. For a more general purpose utility leveldb (bsd-license) provides random access to arbitrary data collections. Pruning can also be a real asset for PubRef. If all transactions for a wallet have been pruned, then there is no need to index this PubRef - a validator can safely skip over it.
Best Regards,