Re: Why bother doubling capacity? So that we could have 2x more network participants of course.

Re: No clear way to scaling beyond that: Computers are getting more capable aren't they? We'll increase capacity along with hardware.

It's a good thing to scale the network if technology permits it. How can you argue with that?

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Peter Todd <> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 11:15:31PM +0700, Venzen Khaosan wrote:
> > Do what's best for Bitcoin and define what needs to get done to
> > agree to a simple block size increase to a static 8MB.
> And this then leads back to the core issue: if an 8MB blocksize
> excludes many on this list from testnet, then the proposed 8MB blocks
> will exclude a lot of mainnet participants (miners) and degrade the
> quality of diversity and decentralization.
> How about testing at double the capacity: 2MB?

Which of course raises another issue: if that was the plan, then all you
can do is double capacity, with no clear way to scaling beyond that.
Why bother?
