
AFAIK, There is no way to do threshold signatures non-interactively for the general case of t out of n. Even if you are willing to maintain additional data structure on top of the standard and change verification algorithm (see for example appendix B in [1] where they use bitmaps).
The best way that I came up with so far (which I plan to implement in the library) is to take SS01 paper [2], this also the paper cited in bip-schnorr [3], and to replace Pedersen VSS with Feldman VSS (Feldman VSS implementation can be found in [4] ). Basically taking the DKG from GG18 without paillier and the dlog pok (threshold ecdsa paper [5]) and use it for the threshold schnorr DKG and for the ephemeral key distributed generation. This will cause the lost of Robustness but will be more efficient.

Generally speaking - the purpose of using threshold security is to replace hw security. The assumption is that you would rather trust that no more than t out of n different machines will get corrupted at same time than to trust one secure hardware. Maybe that relax a bit the demand for using air gapped devices? 

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 8:33 AM Devrandom <c1.bitcoin@niftybox.net> wrote:
Hi Omer,

Are there any candidates for non-interactive threshold signatures?  Interactive signatures are not very suitable for air-gapped use cases.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:18 AM Omer Shlomovits via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
Hello all,

I am working for the past few months with collaborators (in cc) on providing Rust reference implementations to existing multi party schemes for Schnorr signatures [1]. This includes aggregated signatures, accountable signatures (which for n out of n are multi-signatures) and threshold signatures (wip). 
The project can be found here: https://github.com/KZen-networks/multi-party-schnorr
We aim that if the protocol is run in a configuration of a single party it will be bip-schnorr [2] compliant. 

Hope you'll find it useful :)
Questions, suggestions and pull requests are welcome!

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