Just brainstorming here, no idea if this would work:
If this is possible it would allow you to revoke all transactions and claim all the mined coins since you forked. My point is that the notion of hardest chain is not so simple.

The difficulty of invalidating a chain is dramatically reduced with your time window approach, by not requiring a given difficulty, and relying on synchronized time windows.


On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Andy Parkins <andyparkins@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2011 November 23 Wednesday, Christian Decker wrote:

> The current block generation with a fixed difficulty was chosen because it
> it clear when to adjust and to what target difficulty it has to be
> adjusted. If we were to use synchronized time windows and select the
> hardest block it gets incredibly complicated as synchronization is not
> possible in distributed systems. Even the smallest drift would allow for
> forks in the chain all over the place. Furthermore the delay in propagation
> will also cause forks.
> If 1/2 of the network see one block as the hardest, and for the rest of the
> network it came too late then we'll have a fork that stays with us quite a
> while.
> The block chain is described as a timestamp server in the paper, but it is
> more of a proof-of-existence before, as the contained timestamp cannot be
> trusted anyway.

These are reasonable objections.  My counter is this:

Let's view block difficulty as a measure of time, not time itself.  The
timestamp is merely a convenience for the block.  You cannot fake the
computing power needed for a particular difficulty; so the hardest chain
always wins (note: hardest chain).

If I am a miner, I have two choices:

 (a) try to replace the top block on the current hardest chain
 (b) try to append to the current hardest chain

Either of these is acceptable; but in case (a) I have to generate a more
difficult block to replace it; in case (b), at the start of the window, any
difficulty is acceptable (however, I'm competing with other miners, so _any_
difficulty won't beat them).

The rule then is that you're trying to win the one block reward that is
available every 10 minutes; and your peers will be rejecting blocks with
timestamps that are lies.

Perhaps an example...

 - I (a node), download the blockchain
 - The blockchain has N potential heads.  Each of those heads has a time, t
  and a sum_of_difficulty.
 - The next block reward is going to go to the highest difficulty with
  t < timestamp < (t + T) _and_ verified timestamp (i.e. not received more
  than, say 5 minutes, from its claimed timestamp).
 - I can choose any head to start generating from, but given that it's the
  highest difficulty chain that's going to win the next reward (not the
  highest difficulty block), I will surely pick the most difficult?
 - A rogue miner then issues a block with a fake timestamp; it actually
  generated at (t + T + 5) but claims (t + 5).  Should I start using
  that block as my new head?  Obviously not, because my peers might decide
  that it is a lie and reject it because it was received too late, making my
  work useless.  It is in my interest to pick a head that is honest.

Resolving forks is easy:

 - 50 coins every ten minutes only
 - most difficult chain wins

I'm certainly not saying it's a simple change.  There are certainly areas I
haven't thought about, and could be game-overs; but I do like the idea of
there being no target difficulty, and instead the blocks are issued at a fixed
ten minute rate (or rather the rewards are).


Dr Andy Parkins

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