Hey Christian,

Could you sort the snapshots by date? At the moment they're kind of in a random order.

Sometimes I wish we had real-time stats too but this is a great start.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Christian Decker <decker.christian@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Mike for the Tip :-)

I will definitely extend the calculations to include a size-normalized
version. As for transaction propagations, being much smaller the
measurements tend to be much noisier, but given enough samples we
might be able to reconstruct some of the system parameters.

Good idea to attempt to correlate propagation speed and number of
inputs/outputs, might be interesting to see whether processing at the
nodes has an influence.

Christian Decker

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Michael Gronager <gronager@ceptacle.com> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Cool - thanks for posting - agree, that it would be nice to normalize
> the results with block size - so divide by size and:
> 1. see if there is a correlation (we all presume there still is)
> 2. plot the delay graph as e.g. normalized to the averaged blocksize or
> lets define a "standard block size" of 200kb or what ever so we can
> compare the plot btw days.
> Also, does the correlation of propagation times hold for transaction
> sizes as well (would be ice to find the logical t0 and the constant - I
> guess the interesting measure is not kb but signatures, so number of
> inputs - some correlation with size though).
> Best,
> Michael
> On 24/11/13, 17:37 , Christian Decker wrote:
>> Sure thing, I'm looking for a good way to publish these measurements,
>> but I haven't found a good option yet. They are rather large in size,
>> so I'd rather not serve them along with the website as it hasn't got
>> the capacity. Any suggestions? If the demand is not huge I could
>> provide them on a per user basis.
>> --
>> Christian Decker
>> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Christian Decker
>>> <decker.christian@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Since this came up again during the discussion of the Cornell paper I
>>>> thought I'd dig up my measurement code from the Information
>>>> Propagation paper and automate it as much as possible.
>>> Could you publish the block ids and timestamp sets for each block?
>>> It would be useful in correlating propagation information against
>>> block characteristics.
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