Hey Tom,

Thanks for getting involved! It's great to see someone who would like to focus on docs.

One project I've been thinking about recently is a "Bitcoin Developer Network" subsection of our website. Right now bitcoin.org is entirely consumer focused. And as you noted, the wiki is undergoing some kind of heart attack - it's not an ideal medium for professional docs anyway.

So it's too hard to learn how to work with Bitcoin as a developer, and we could really benefit from professionally curated web content. We have a great web dev in the form of Saivann, who recently got some sponsorship from the Foundation to spend time on the website, so I'm hoping that if we find people to produce the content then he can with the visual design and we could create something really special.

If you're interested in this let me know.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Tom Geller <tom@tomgeller.com> wrote:
On Mar 3, 2014, at 2:13 PM, Tom Geller wrote:

> FYI, I made my edits to the release notes of 0.9.0rc2; the pull request is at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3787. I gladly welcome corrections as needed.

It failed testing. I assume I'll get emails as others add comments; please contact me privately if it doesn't, and you're willing to help this n00b. Thanks,

          Tom Geller  *  Oberlin, Ohio  *  415-317-1805
           Writer/Presenter * http://www.tomgeller.com
         articles, marketing, videos, user guides, books

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