This is expected to happen from time to time of course as it's inherently racy, but there are a lot of bad nodes appearing in the DNS seeds.

$ nmap -oG /tmp/x -p 8333 `dig +short`
Nmap done: 48 IP addresses (25 hosts up) scanned in 9.80 seconds

$ grep -c 'closed' /tmp/x

So of 48 IPs returned only 19 are actually usable. This is slowing down peer bringup for the Android apps, which don't currently save the addresses of last-used peers (yes, I know we should fix this).

I was talking to a friend a few days ago about Bitcoin, he seemed interested. I'm hoping he might take on DNS seeding as a project. A custom DNS server that watches the network to find long-lived peers that run the latest version would be helpful for resolving this kind of thing.