This is the sort of thing the payment protocol is for. The recipient would vend a PaymentRequest containing identity details. The sender would submit a Payment containing his/hers. The wallet then understands what to do.

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Wendell <> wrote:
Hi all,

We're thinking about ways of automatically exchanging contact details between wallets, in order to encourage the proliferation of identifiable names and photos rather than long and hard-to-verify addresses.

The simplest version goes like this:

2 BTC Bitcoin is sent to someone, and a data lookup hash is inserted into the transaction. When it arrives on the other end, it is indeed looked up, and instead of being presented with a dialogue that says "you received 2 BTC from 13Y94z43Nbbb6wevRyk82CeDoYQ5S28zmA", it's "You received 2 BTC from Frank Jones" including a nice photo.

Now. We can simply delete this data in reference to the transaction ID after it happens (or delete it after a time), but is there any more decentralized way to do it? I would prefer us to run no dedicated servers that would ever put us in a position of being coerced into giving data, or otherwise altering our system to store it.

Any thoughts about this?

-wendell | | gpg: 6C0C9411

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