Myself, Thomas V (Electrum) and Marek (Trezor) got together to make sure our BIP32 wallet structures would be compatible - and I discovered that only I was planning to use the default structure.

Because I'm hopeful that we can get a lot of interoperability between wallets with regards to importing 12-words paper wallets, we brainstormed to find a structure acceptable to everyone and ended up with:


The extra levels require some explanation:
For bitcoinj we're targeting a deliberately limited feature set for hdw v1 so I would just set the first three values all to zero and that is a perfectly fine way to be compatible.

The goal here is that the same seed can be written down once, and meet all the users needs, whilst still allowing some drift between what wallets support.

Pieter made the I think valid point that you can't really encode how keys are meant to be used into just an HDW hierarchy and normally you'd need some metadata as well. However, I feel interop between wallets is more important than arriving at the most perfect possible arrangement, which feels a little like bikeshedding, so I'm happy to just go with the flow on this one.