We have an implementation of the latest spec in bitcoinj, with the wordlist provided by slush+stick. As far as I can see it's all working fine so LGTM from us.

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:42 PM, slush <slush@centrum.cz> wrote:
Hi all,

during recent months we've reconsidered all comments which we received from the community about our BIP39 proposal and we tried to meet all requirements for such standard. Specifically the proposal now doesn't require any specific wordlist, so every client can use its very own list of preferred words. Generated mnemonic can be then applied to any other BIP39-compatible client. Please follow current draft at https://github.com/trezor/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki.

Because we're quickly moving towards release of Trezor firmware and we need to finalize this part of the firmware, we're asking for the last comments to current BIP39 draft.


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