I'm doing a hard fork, too. In my version 78% of the wealth will go to me, which I will redistribute on based on personal preferences. Come and join me into a new and obviously superior system. 

More seriously though: the paper is not bad, but I can guarantee you that Bitcoin will never change that drastically. That's the whole point. It has an indestructible kernel (think DNA). Rather it will do a slow death, probably in 5-10 years. If you care for PoS than just launch your own. 

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Nick Simpson <nick@mynicknet.com> wrote:
Referring to the subsidy for miners as "wasting it on miners" isn't going to garner you much favor.

On May 20, 2014 11:12:53 AM CDT, Stephen Reed <stephenreed@yahoo.com> wrote:
I completed a whitepaper for Bitcoin a proof-of-stake version which uses a single nomadic verifiable mint agent and distributed replication of a single blockchain by compensated full nodes to achieve 6-hop, sub-second transaction acknowledgement times. Plus it pays dividends to holders instead of wasting it on miners. Subsidized transaction fees are thus lower.

Because the code is not yet written, this idea is half-baked so to speak. Comments appreciated on my project thread, which will be a development diary. I plan a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain in early 2016, after a year of public system testing, and conditioned on wide approval.


Stephen L. Reed
Austin, Texas, USA

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