I am glad that SPV wallets are discussed outside the scope of mobile devices!

Yes, SPV is a sufficient API to a trusted node to build sophisticated features not offered by the core.
SPV clients of the border router will build their own archive and indices based on their interest of the chain therefore the
border router core does not need to store (and process) anything not needed for consensus, its memory
or disk footprint would be as low as an optimal storage of UTXO.


Tamás Blummer

On 09.04.2014, at 17:57, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:42 AM, Brian Hoffman <brianchoffman@gmail.com> wrote:
How would this affect the user in terms of disk storage? They're going to
get hammered on space constraints aren't they? If it's not required how
likely are users to enable this?

If Bitcoin core activates pruning a full node can be supported in—
say— 4GBytes or so. (That gives enough space to store the utxo about
350MB now, and a couple gigs for blocks to serve out).

I'd imagine getting information from SPV wallet developers how much
disk usage agility they think is required is part of what Wladimir is
looking for.

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